Fantasy Grounds Prep Less. Play More.
I left this for last despite it is what many players want to do for various reasons, because oh boy, is it hard to incorporate to Solo Mode! But as your friendly neighborhood Soloist, I will try my best to explain different points of views and methods for this type. FGU made it way easier than I originally thought. Points of Views on Methodology 1. Selective Reading In his book DM Yourself, Tom Scutt details "...techniques to navigate the ...
Updated Yesterday at 07:35 by Tempered7 Screen Shot 09-10-17 at 09.21 PM.PNG First Impressions: 4 Stars, 42/50 Points I’m really excited about this adventure and I really like how this product has been arranged in Fantasy Grounds. Simply put, there is a massive amount of content that has been expertly put together into what promises to be an exciting adventure and a great resource for expansion and/or homebrew creation. The DM and Player ...
Updated September 11th, 2017 at 06:59 by LordEntrails