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  1. Happy New Year!

    Quote Originally Posted by ddavison View Post
    I hope everyone had a great 2013 and may you have many, many great FG games in 2014. Here is to bigger an better things!

    Looking back on 2013, here are some highlights of things that stood out to me (in no particular order):
    1. We had two FG Cons in 1 year
    2. Rolemaster Classic got a much needed overhaul
    3. We added another 30 add-ons
    4. Deadlands Noir and Hell on Earth released for FG's Savage Worlds ruleset
    5. Version 3.0 was released and brings many of the rulesets
  2. Fear of the Unknown

    Quote Originally Posted by H.P. Lovecraft
    The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown.
    For the initial part of this discussion, I intend to elaborate on elements that Lovecraft discusses in his Supernatural Horror in Literature article.

    Lovecraft truly hit the nail on the head with this statement. Whenever time is spent contemplating the true nature of fear, the road inevitably leads to the unknown. There are greater philosophers ...
    Writing , Horror
  3. Creating Horror in Fantasy Grounds

    In the interest of sparking new discussions, I've decided to start the conversation with how to create horror in VTT. Many of you know a variety of techniques to scare your players, from appropriate music and lighting to the inevitable "BOO!" moment around the table. Unfortunately, many of these techniques do not translate well to the VTT environment. How do you use mood lighting when all you can do is control screen color? Where does the "BOO!" come from if you find your ...

    Updated November 14th, 2013 at 05:35 by Bubo

    Writing , Horror
  4. Sunday Morning and PFS Rivalry's End

    We had a good morning on Sunday, controlled the situation nicely and held off the herd of giants and lamias in Rise of the Runelords. Pharius was rockin' again, kicking some major giant tail while keeping the biggest and baddest of them off the back of our crew. Overall we hit them like a well oiled machine. Very nice.

    Peanut and I played in Rivalry's End on Monday night. There are a lot of changes coming in Season 5 of the PFS and I have to admit I'm a little frustrated with the ...

    Updated August 13th, 2013 at 23:10 by Blackfoot

    Weekly Games
  5. 13th age or Numenera?

    I started down the 13th Age path with FG2 3.0. I extracted the 4E ruleset (since I figured it was pretty close and I could remove things that don't match).

    It's working fine. I've updated the License, changed the logo.png, and even removed the wyvern background from 4E and put a 25% transparent 13th Age logo on instead.

    I've also updated the main character sheet some. I have the Name, Race, Class, Level and the Ability scores rearranged to look similar to the 13th ...

    Updated August 13th, 2013 at 21:06 by morgurth (Adding a category)

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