Fantasy Grounds Prep Less. Play More.
This year has been a very busy year and we wanted to reach out to everyone who helped make it a special year for us. I'll be sending out another email later this week (or next) with some news on plans for 2015. For me personally, I decided that once Fantasy Grounds made it through the Greenlight process on Steam, it was time to hang up the corporate life and focus 100% on growing Fantasy Grounds. The results have been fairly good, but I always hope for more. I made the change in late ...
Great post by Nickademus explaining the Pathfinder Weapon Damage strings. Originally Posted by Nickademus The combat tracker usually uses the format from the 3.5E or PF stat block in the Monster Manuals/Bestiaries. The specifics can get tricky though. Here's a breakdown of what you are looking for: battleaxe +7 melee (1d8+5/19-20/x3) silver dagger +2 (1d4+2/19-20) +1 flaming longbow +5 ranged (1d8+1d6 piercing, fire/x3) acidic touch +10 melee touch (5 acid) And ...
Attached is a zip with my final,, maybe xslt file for enabling printing and web site displaying of the std char xml file as exported from FG. Add this line to the 2nd line of the xml file. <?xml-stylesheet href="char.xslt" type="text/xsl" ?> Then open the XML in the browser and print. Trevor
XSLT Sheet Doing some more work on this, over the next day or so. I want to make pasting HTML into GOOGLE sites easier, and the default format on the web page better. Also need to work on next part of module for my players. Will post updates into this blog when available if anyone likes the sheet.
Updated November 6th, 2014 at 18:54 by trevorgall
Forum Page 20 Jul, 2014Added referencemanualfeat windowclass.Removed the search bar until I can get it working. Currently causing the list to bug when the search field is cleared.Removed the close button for the inner window. The script automatically closes inner windows before opening a new window. 22 Jun, 2014Right column altered to make it appear more seamless.Minimum window size changed to 500 x 500.Default window size changed to be the same as ...
Updated July 20th, 2014 at 13:13 by RTFallen