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  1. Why I Oppose Paid Games

    by , September 29th, 2017 at 15:27 (From The *Somewhat Twisted* Mind Of Dulux-Oz)
    First of all, this is not aimed at any one individual or group of individuals. Instead, it is an explanation of my views on an activity, not on the people who engage in that activity.

    For the record, when I use the term "paid game" I am referring to RPG sessions where the Players pay the GM to run the game for them.

    As the title of this blog indicates I am opposed to paid games. I find the idea... distasteful, even cheap. While I hold no ill will to those ...
  2. Oh wow Didnt know I still had this

    Quote Originally Posted by Willot View Post
    Many years ago I use to play Dark Age of Camelot. Over a period of time I created a story involving people in my guild.
    As time went on other people in the guild kept wanting to put them in the story too, so please excuse the number of characters.
    OH my character was Rokar
    PS unfortunately I appear to have lost the final parts. (each part came out randomly) If you wish to read it here it is

    Part 1

    A twig snapped.
  3. Sunday D&D Adventurers League Game Streaming on Twitch with the Fantasy Grounds crew

    We are proud to announce that SmiteWorks USA LLC has contracted with David Middleton from Table_Topping to begin streaming weekly games of Dungeons & Dragons Adventurers League games being played on Fantasy Grounds. The players will be comprised of SmiteWorks personnel and they will be joined by Chris Lindsay from Wizards of the Coast, Rachel Ventura from Legendary Games and Robert ...
  4. VTT Comparison Chart between the different versions of Fantasy Grounds vs Roll20

    Before you choose the VTT that is best for you, it might make sense to look over this short summary chart that compares the primary named features. I know it can be expanded out further since sometimes a single line item on a chart doesn't adequately describe or convey the importance of the item at work. In order to fully compare the two, it might be worth checking out the free 30-day trial of Fantasy Grounds and also trying the free version of Roll20. At the end of the day, there is a limited free ...
  5. Rem's 5E Crafting System - Introduction

    How I Got to Where I Needed a Crafting System in My Campaign:
    Ah the good ole Dungeon Master's Guide. My favorite book in the entirety of the D&D Collection. I flip through it constantly, devouring information, plotting ways to challenge the PCs in my campaign, planning out vast worlds with diverse storylines and so much more.

    One day during our D&D session, Ielenia, my group's Elven Druid said to me after we were wrapping up the session: "Hey Rem, can I just craft ...

    Updated December 15th, 2016 at 19:40 by Remedeez

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