Fantasy Grounds Prep Less. Play More.
What is Mythic GME? The Mythic Game Master Emulator replaces a live Game Master with a set of rules that emulate a GM’s creative decision-making, allowing you to play any role-playing game solo or in a group without a designated person to run things. Mythic becomes your GM, answering your questions and progressing the adventure one step at a time. While the system is based in your expectations (of events) and interpretations, it’s designed to periodically subvert ...
Updated January 30th, 2025 at 19:51 by Tempered7
ToM is a mental visualization technique in case you don't have access to maps. I wrote this as part of the Combat Guide Series but you can also use it to Roleplay. The Art of Imagination Visual Imagination is kinda tricky. It can't be taught easily, you either have it or don't. But Theater of Mind doesn't just mean conjuring images before your eyes from descriptions. If you can't "see" descriptions with your inner eyes, you can "hear" them! Simply tell ...
Updated December 6th, 2024 at 21:17 by Tempered7
Gather 'round strong domini and sublime dominas, as I reveal to you the Art of Solo Warfare. Your humble instructor will not tell you mere ways to swing a sword, mind you. Take these words of wisdom as a foundation to build upon your combatant's role & stratagems. And be not hasty. I'll cover counter-tactics for our earlier lesson and other expansions in here for each of your combatant classes, later. ROLEPLAYING COMBAT This is a combat guide, what is this RP stuff ...
Updated December 4th, 2024 at 10:13 by Tempered7
Legend of the Bones by Simon ! For Mature Audience ! Frequent detailed descriptions of violence and other mature themes. Listener Discretion Advised. Grim, Gritty and Grounded! Legend of the Bones is a hybrid of solo Old School Dungeons & Dragons actual play, and dark fantasy audio drama. A story where the roll of the bones determines all. ...
Updated January 30th, 2025 at 19:20 by Tempered7
What ruleset does a kid use for combat when colliding two action figures? I don't know the answer but let me try to shed light on my strategy of Playing Chess against Myself. Meta-Game I briefly explained what meta game is in How to Play Published Adventures. This is the biggest immersion breaker in Solo Combat, maybe even more than RPing alone because being both GM and Player feels like cheating to some. As a solution, I see myself as the Dominus of an Arena ...
Updated December 1st, 2024 at 07:28 by Tempered7