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  1. How Will I Motivate Myself for Solo Play?

    Most of us start Solo Play because of necessities instead of choice. But it doesn't has to be that way. Once you taste the freedom of Soloing, you can find ways to motivate yourself.

    My Motivation

    My motivation for Solo Play started even before I knew TTRPGs exist. I played the original Diablo and thought "I want to play my character but in a story instead of a loot game." And I did it. I used Journaling method without any ruleset or dice. I dreamed about obstacles ...

    Updated Yesterday at 08:32 by Tempered7

    Solo Play with FGU
  2. How Does A Solo Session Play

    If you prefer to read an Example of Gameplay, check "First Solo Scene."

    Meanwhile, you can watch a Video Example by "Me, Myself and Die" to see it in action. Just from 2:48 to 11:16 is enough to get the idea.
    The rest is combat rolls and more story and it starts at 13:17 if you want to watch it.

    NOTE: You don't have to voice-act your characters as in the video. You don't even have to use miniatures and maps! I'll elaborate later in "Modes ...

    Updated August 20th, 2024 at 21:18 by Tempered7

    Solo Play with FGU
  3. What Will I Need to Play Solo?

    • Any Game-space such as -at least- Standard FGU to keep things in one place and save your campaign. Demo FGU could work, too for test purposes.

    • An Oracle or a Solo System. Think of an 8-ball. It is a Randomized YES / NO Answer Generator. We'll use it to remove the need of a Game Master. I'll provide a simple one later. But I will also explain free Mythic GM Emulator v1 in its own entry. And much later, I'll add usage of paid, more comprehensive Oracles such as MYTHIC v2, and

    Updated August 25th, 2024 at 03:47 by Tempered7

    Solo Play with FGU
  4. Cheapest and Quickest Way for Solo Play in FGU

    Before I start to explain all the methods in detail, I thought you might want to quickly jump into action with least possible work, in the cheapest way possible. I got you covered:

    NOTE: These are FGU modules. Basic rules and SRD Data are provided in FGU which include all base classes and bestiary to play but there is no "feats" data in them. You'll still need at least Player Handbook IF you want automation.

    D&D 5th Edition Solo Rules FGU Module - ...

    Updated November 9th, 2024 at 14:27 by Tempered7

    Solo Play with FGU
  5. Why Play Solo?

    Maybe you are new to FGU or don't have any published adventure modules, yet. Or simply alone in the scene. No worries. You can learn about the software as you create your own story.

    So, the first reason is when you want to play an RPG but don't have any groups to play with. But don't think Solo Play can't be utilized for anything else.

    Forever GMs who want to roleplay a Player Character (finally!) will understand what I mean. It can also be used for honing your Game Mastery ...

    Updated November 9th, 2024 at 14:26 by Tempered7

    Solo Play with FGU
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