Fantasy Grounds Prep Less. Play More.
Displaying The Attacker’s Effects This is one in a series of Combat Tracker EVOE blog posts. An index can be found here. In this article and the next, I’ll discuss the Combat Tracker effects that change or modify the result of an attack dice roll and EVOE’s impact on what players see. Typically an attack is a simple roll of a 1d20 die. There are base modifiers such as the attacking character’s strength ability and proficiency bonus. Sometimes dexterity contributes ...
Effect Display in the Player‘s Combat Tracker This is one in a series of Combat Tracker EVOE blog posts. An index can be found here. Effects can be added to the Combat Tracker in a multitude of ways. They can be added using the Effects Manager button in the upper right corner of FG’s desktop. The GM can add an effect using the little green “Add Effects” button in the Combat Tracker. Or a player can inflict or target another character with an effect using the Actions ...
Updated November 3rd, 2016 at 16:27 by Minty23185Fresh (Very minor typo change.)
Help Me Help You This is one in a series of Combat Tracker EVOE blog posts. An index can be found here. Inevitably users of EVOE will run into problems. Whether it’s install issues, inaccurate documentation, misunderstanding, user errors, unsupported options or worst of all, programming errors. In order for me to help you I’ll need information. ”The extension doesn’t work.” is not sufficient for me to figure out why you may be having difficulties, ...
Updated September 15th, 2016 at 17:22 by Minty23185Fresh
Series Index, Version Information, and Supported Options I’ll use this blog entry as a place to index the Combat Tracker EVOE blogs, revision information plus list Effects that are or are not supported in the current version of EVOE. Blog Index 1. Introduction 2. Index (this page) 3. Help Me Help You 4. Effect Visibility, Who Sees What 5. Effects Display for an Attacker 6. Effects Display for the Attack Defender ...
Updated December 3rd, 2016 at 22:49 by Minty23185Fresh (v0.2.2 released - FG v3.2.1 compatible)
Introducing the Combat Tracker EVOE Hello and welcome to a new instructional blog series (the series index). In my previous “Neophyte Tackles” series I meander my way through my experiences and the lessons learned in developing my first Fantasy Grounds Extension. The fruit of that series was the starting point of this series: The Combat Tracker Effect Visibility Options Extension (or EVOE). The EVOE currently only works with the 5E ruleset. The 5E Combat ...
Updated September 10th, 2016 at 22:07 by Minty23185Fresh