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  1. DC 12 Craft Check - Part 1

    Reading Doug's post on dice inspired me to write about a nice Christmas gift I gave each of my players a few years back.

    At the time we were a face-to-face group, and as so often happens in such a setting our gaming table was often overflowing with paper, pencils, rule books, minatures, dice, snacks, drinks... you name it - and I have an old "Board Room" Conference Table as my gaming table, and it was still overflowing! Suffice it to say, dice would go everywhere when we ...

    Updated September 17th, 2016 at 03:47 by dulux-oz

  2. Useful shortcuts and tips to use in Fantasy Grounds

    This is a list of useful "Tips & Tricks" for the Fantasy Grounds VTT, contributed by users on the forums. I tried to credit everyone who provided anything on the list. You can find the original post stickied in The Tavern.

    *Dragging the "Next Actor / End Turn" button from the Combat Tracker to a hotkey.
    Especially useful for players who may not always have the Combat Tracker open.

    *Dragging Damage/Healing/Attack Rolls/Spell Saves from chat ...

    Updated September 19th, 2018 at 09:09 by Skillkoil

  3. I'm insane!!!!

    Stop me if you have heard this one before ...

    "Reapeating the same thing over and over again and expecting a different outcome is the very definition of insanity."

    But here I am. once again ... Writing on this bog....

    Slowly searching the keyboard ... trying to see the letters ... working from word to word ... in a valiant effort to make sense ... to not forget because of short term memory loss, what I was trying to ssay. If you are just happening ...
    Tags: blog
  4. Back in the saddle again!

    < Que Gene Autry >

    I thank you for allowing me to share my situation and concerns. Also thank you for your kind comments. They helped alot. I have graduated therapy with flying colors. I was amazed at how open and supportive of my interests and what they could do to get me back to being able to continue them. It was also interesting how they said playing Dungeons and Dragons on Fantasy Grounds was good theropy.

    I am pleased to anounce that as of two days ago ...
  5. Fear of the Unknown

    Quote Originally Posted by H.P. Lovecraft
    The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown.
    For the initial part of this discussion, I intend to elaborate on elements that Lovecraft discusses in his Supernatural Horror in Literature article.

    Lovecraft truly hit the nail on the head with this statement. Whenever time is spent contemplating the true nature of fear, the road inevitably leads to the unknown. There are greater philosophers ...
    Writing , Horror
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