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  1. Am I An Addict?

    Am I an addict? Am I addicted to the endorphic pleasure that creating brings me? Is that why I do it? Is that why I do little else?

    It's true that I enjoy writing code; that I enjoy solving the problems that invariable crop up in attempting to command a computer to perform new and varied tasks. I enjoy also that others think my creations are good; good enough to use and good enough to wait in anticipation for the next upgrade or the next new piece of work (although not, apparently, ...
  2. DOE: Alignment Graph by dulux-oz

    Attachment 17800

    First Impressions: 4 Stars, 42/50 Points
    This is one of those extensions that at first seems to be designed for a pretty niche group of GM’s, but as I explored it more, I began to wonder, “Hmm, I wonder if this would fit in one of my campaigns...” Do you need this? Nope. Is it useful? Yes it is, enough so it’s worth taking a look at even if you don’t ...

    Updated February 7th, 2017 at 19:42 by LordEntrails

    Review , Extensions , GM Tools
  3. Storm King's Thunder - Repercussions

    Title - Repercussions
    Location: Bryn Shander

    Session Summary

    The party made it the rest of the way to Bryn Shander where discovered that the name "Icewind Dale" was very appropriate. We road in on the horses of the dead Seven Snakes assassins and were greeted pleasantly by the local Deputy, a young female Dwarf who kept winking away at Travok. We expressed that we had a personal message for the Sheriff and that we would like to procure lodging and some ...

    Updated February 20th, 2017 at 18:40 by ddavison

  4. Today is the first day of the rest of your life ...

    Well here we are.

    It has been some time since I have written in this blog. It had become too much of a drain upon my time between work, life and of course ... my game. So what has changed? Well thank God, it is not life. I still have one. Likewise I am bless still to have friends to play with. (In fact ... I, a lifetime DM will be a player in an upcoming Traveller campaign.) What has changed?

    I've retired.

    Not completely my idea. After years of hard work, ...
  5. Combat Tweaks for Solo GMs

    # Setting Combat Encounters

    Since you are both the player and the GM, you'll play the monsters and villains in combat as well as your PC. The first trick for a captivating Solo session is to play the monsters accordingly to their nature. And suspend your PC bias when you attack your PC with monsters to keep the game exciting.

    If you want, you can give your PC another, limited advantage that gives you a choice to reroll any PC rolls once, twice, or at most thrice.

    Updated September 21st, 2024 at 04:31 by Tempered7

    Solo Play with FGU
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