Fantasy Grounds Merchandise

Blog Comments

  1. Tempered7's Avatar
    NOTE to self: Random gens expansion with table names + TSAT 2 & Mythic.
  2. Tempered7's Avatar
    Added to Pursuit: Deja vu by Initial D.
    Added to Espionage: You Know My Name by Chris Cornell.
    Updated February 12th, 2025 at 11:35 by Tempered7
  3. sajanig533's Avatar
    Maschinen können lernen, deepseek deutsch aber können sie auch wirklich denken?
  4. sajanig533's Avatar
    AI revolutioniert bereits viele Branchen, deepseek von Medizin bis Automobilindustrie.
  5. Alice12's Avatar
    I have had this problem before.
    word hurdle
  6. Tempered7's Avatar
    BROKEN LINK RENEWED - Paladin by Freedom Call (metal)
  7. Tempered7's Avatar
    Imagine, Draw or Describe Visual of "A small spyglass with green-tinted lenses" From the perspective of; 7 Aragorn After Eating the Stew of Éowyn

    LOTR Deleted Scenes

    Eowyn: I made some stew. It isn't much but it's hot.
    Aragorn: Thank you. Mmmh... It's... "good."
    Eowyn: Really? *turns her back in joy to go back*
    Aragorn: *attempts to pour the stew*
    Eowyn: My uncle told me a strange thing...
    Aragorn: *burns his hands*
    Also Aragorn (Inner Voice): "Wish I had a small spyglass with green-tinted lenses that shows as far away from this place as possible. Maybe the green tint of the lenses made me forget my face's color."
    Eowyn: "He said that you rode to war with my grandfather... But he must be mistaken."
    Aragorn (Inner voice): "I think I saw one in Theoden's tent, by Eru Iluvatar, I think I'm gonna be sick :S"
    Also Aragorn: "He is not mistaken..." *inner voice* (but I've made a HUGE mistake by swallowing that boiled oliphant meat!)
    Updated February 2nd, 2025 at 20:53 by Tempered7
  8. Tempered7's Avatar
    Note to self: Expand this part in the module.

    Fantasy / Scifi lists...
    Updated February 2nd, 2025 at 09:58 by Tempered7
  9. Tempered7's Avatar
    I thought about adding the summary of these themes' progressions into comments because I'd exceed character limit if I linked them all, but this is also not a solution.

    After I released the main & combat modules of the guide, I'll start summarizing the themes with examples in fiction / real life, and add it to the main module. So this part will be the only thing that is exclusive to the module. But I'll need a loooong time to finish them all because there will be more themes than I added here.

    It all will be in v2 of the module.
  10. Tempered7's Avatar
    Note to self: Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide > Elminster's Candlekeep Companion as demo.

    Starting Place: Candlekeep.
    Triangulation Result: Destination.
  11. Tempered7's Avatar

    * Real play thorugh will be in the form of the problematic github software:

    Zooming in from birdview to the smallest room within a Building hex, within a Place hex within a Terrain Hex. I'll try to show my methods of making below steps not boring.

    1. Roll for hex type tables (terrain, settlement, building, room),
    2. Then roll content tables to see what's in them,
    3. React to their contents in respective ways,
    4. Resolve socializing / combat / traps if any,
    5. Move on to an adjacent hex,
    6. Repeat.
    Updated February 2nd, 2025 at 23:41 by Tempered7
  12. Tempered7's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Marmus View Post
    FYI - I was asked about setting up the Mythic module items within FG, so I created this video:
  13. Tempered7's Avatar
    Note to self: Relations variation for Perspective Table
  14. Tempered7's Avatar
    Completely New Way of Being Creative:

    1. Make a list of things that you don't like,
    2. Turn it into a random table and replace it with Fun Part (Perspectives) table,
    3. Use it with Step 1 or Alt. Step 1 in this guide,
    4. BUT this time, think about the things you want to change in them.
  15. Tempered7's Avatar
    And here I am, thinking by myself about deep philosophical questions such as What is the meaning of socks to a fireball...
  16. Tempered7's Avatar
    Explain Symbol of Wand of Know Direction (cr, 375 gp) From the perspective of; 101 [TOP SECRET - REDACTED]

    "The crossroads" in the making of Wand of Know Direction symbolizes many paths to alchemical perfection in the pursuit of the Solanum Tuberosum: The Ultimate Destiny." ~ From an unknown Master Spellbook.
    Updated January 30th, 2025 at 18:42 by Tempered7
  17. Tempered7's Avatar
    Imagine (describe) Visual of Ankylosaurus From the perspective of; 16 Richard Ayoade

    "Eaamgh! Bit nervous... See that veggy-muncher's armor plating, Roy? Its fossils have been found in geological formations dating to the very end of the Cretaceous Period, about 68–66 million years ago, in western North America, making it among the last of the non-avian dinosaurs. But in Dungeons and Dragons 5th edition, there is no such factual lore except for a lazy sentence that explains it as it defends itself against predators with a knobbed tail that delivers a devastating strike. A devastating strike, Roy! Flippin' lazy-b*tts. The Elders of the Internet would never approve!"

    Updated January 28th, 2025 at 15:31 by Tempered7
  18. Tempered7's Avatar
    There is no secret cow level.
  19. Tempered7's Avatar
    Another Tip to Play the Game:

    Start from the d100 roll, and pick / roll for content tables as you see fit with your d100 result.
  20. Tempered7's Avatar
    Describe Texture of "crayon" From the perspective of; 88 Gomez / Morticia Adams

    Gomez Adams: "Look at her. I would die for her. I would kill for her. Either way, what bliss."
    Morticia Adams: "Gomez. Is that my drawing? How grotesque, I love it! Did you draw it with crayons?"
    Gomez: "Oh, Tish! That's French..."
    Morticia: "Qui. ^^"
    Gomez: "It is as rough as your volcano ash skin, mwah! It reflects the darkness of your soul as no hell could compete, mwah! Say it again."
    Morticia: *with French accent* "Crayon."
    Gomez: "Ah, the *crayon* drawing can not possibly do justice to you. It is as mundane as the living. You are an open grave to read, my love. As beautiful as the lament in our first funeral."
    Morticia: "Oh, Gomez. What more could we ask."
    Gomez: "Maybe a better tool to immortalize your beauty?" [Or better rolls!]

    Man, that was weird, LOL.
    Updated January 28th, 2025 at 08:58 by Tempered7
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