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  1. PFS Friday...

    Since the little woman was going to be out Friday Night playing Bunco with the girls, I took a last go at First Steps 2 and 3 before they are retired next Weds. the 14th. I had a good group of fellows, some of whom I've played with before and several new guys.

    I've run Part 2 eight times now and Part 3 six and it amazes me how differently they play each time. (Those of you who played surely heard me comment on it as it struck me funny at the time.... sorry for being repetitive) Anyway... ...

    Updated August 11th, 2013 at 06:35 by Blackfoot

    Weekly Games
  2. Kingmaker & Others..

    Our Bloodsworn Vale game is cancelled tonight because Peanut is still out of town and one of the other guys is also tied up.

    Tuesday night's Kingmaker game was lots of fun. We leveled up to 6th ... mostly by the firepower of our Sylph Wizard Elyse. Spriggalundricandricandri, my Gnome Nature Oracle, tried to be a bit too offensive against the undead.. picked up a negative level both for myself and my wolf Shadow. Ugh. Gotta figure out how much 2 restoration spells cost. Dangit. We

    Updated August 16th, 2013 at 14:14 by Blackfoot

    Weekly Games
  3. Bloggy?

    Not sure about this Blog thing.. but I'll try it out a bit I guess.
    I think I'll post a log of my weekly FG games for a while and see how that goes.

    Sunday's games went well.
    Pharius (the level 13 fighter/level 3 druid) did well in Rise of the Runelords yesterday morning. Having returned from the dead by way of Kroz and the power of Sarenrae... I hope Gozreh isn't too pissed. Lots of giants and lamias died...

    Pharynosus (the level 4 pyromaniac fire elemental

    Updated August 8th, 2013 at 21:44 by Blackfoot

    Weekly Games
  4. Oh wow Didnt know I still had this

    Quote Originally Posted by Willot View Post
    Many years ago I use to play Dark Age of Camelot. Over a period of time I created a story involving people in my guild.
    As time went on other people in the guild kept wanting to put them in the story too, so please excuse the number of characters.
    OH my character was Rokar
    PS unfortunately I appear to have lost the final parts. (each part came out randomly) If you wish to read it here it is

    Part 1

    A twig snapped.
  5. Is there a Doctor in the house?

    Hi Folks, apologies for not having posted sooner. I haven't been able to catch up with RPGs, FantasyGrounds or gaming in general since earlier this year. Found a rare 15mins and figured I'd swing by just to say Hi and to let all those who have been trying to contact me know that I'll be back shortly and will get around to contacting each of you individually. Bare with me.

    A lot has changed since the start of this year, new FG forum as well as an alpha release of 3.0! I like the new ...
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