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  1. How To - create an Alchemist's Fire

    Entry to show how one might go about creating items / feats / traits within the Character Sheet's Action Tab; to allow a player to track the usage of certain things that have effects.

    In this particular case an Alchemist's Fire can be used 1 time, unless you’ve more in your inventory! For this How To I will assume that the player has blown gp and bought 2x Alchemist's Fires (i.e. if you have more in your inventory just change the X in step 6 accordingly).

    Within ...
  2. not my fault

    so this is my first time doing a blog... not even sure what the word blog is... but iv decided to just write one out any time my party i gm for does something very silly. i think ill call this the first blog of a series called "not my fault"

    so players walk into temple find bombs wired and lights flashing take out enemies and find detonator on one of their bodies. party decides to take all the bombs.... without disarming them. To one of their credit one of them did ask ...
    Tags: death, player, stupid
  3. Goat update! Well, Fauns actually.

    You can find my creations on the DMs Guild.

    It's been a while, but we did it. Onyxr and I added a new set of three subraces to the Fauns pdf! The Fantasy Grounds module has been updated as well. For everyone that already purchased it, you should be getting a notification about the update from the DMs Guild. You can get the updated files here.

    The new subraces are the Tundra Fauns, a descendant of mountain fauns who have adapted to the tundra plains; the Seaside Fauns, ...

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