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Solo Play with FGU

Everything you need to know for starting your Solo Sessions and creating YOUR story with YOUR rules for YOUR entertainment.

  1. Engaging in Problem Solving with Solo Play

    We all have problems and not enough time to solve them. Thematic thinking is key for this. You'll see how easy it is in practice as I expanded it into an engaging playstyle in 8 easy steps. Let's jump right into it. BUT IT'S NOT FOR EVERYONE.

    Few Guidelines:

    1. * NEVER go too hard on yourself or your PC / Sidekick. Even your archnemesis. Wisdom should be your aim instead of temporary emotional satisfaction. Know that we are all trying to be ourselves in this world. And

    Updated August 28th, 2024 at 22:27 by Tempered7

    Solo Play with FGU
  2. A Thematic Word Table for Plots and Characters

    If you want to pick a thematic word for your story or character and play with it, here's a short list. Start by choosing the one that catches your attention. Or search the one that's in your mind in the web. Or just use Freeform Association as I demonstrated at the bottom. And if you check the links (Passion = 1) in order, they tell a classic story in 5 steps. Connect the dots = FFA.

    But if you want to insert the themes YOU want to see in YOUR game, you can conjure some sparks from ...

    Updated September 6th, 2024 at 06:35 by Tempered7

    Solo Play with FGU
  3. Conjuring Thematic Sparks In Solo Play

    Since this is not those boring school lessons, I will show you the magic of transmuting one lame school subject into your own creation of Lore, instead of nagging about literature. Class, bring out your masks for today's lesson is the "Heist Theme" as we will steal from the masters of old. Then we hand-weave our own Solo Story with a pragmatic methodology and split the profit. Themes are the key to use Solo Play in a therapeutic way as I'll explain. Better news is, you don't even have ...

    Updated November 9th, 2024 at 09:13 by Tempered7

    Solo Play with FGU
  4. Irvine's Sixty Ways to Create Conflict

    There is a fantasy writer by the name Ian Irvine. He has a website that has full of EXCELLENT writing methods. Since one of his topics is related to mine, I will only list these ways and link his site here for further info on HOWs: https://www.ian-irvine.com/for-write...eate-conflict/ And if you want more than Bad Guy vs. PC conflict, here's more conflict types.

    ## General Ways to Create Conflict

    1. Create inherently conflicting characters.
    2. ...

    Updated August 13th, 2024 at 11:40 by Tempered7

    Solo Play with FGU
  5. Conflict Types for the Solo GM

    I defined conflict in Player Approach Part II as "Anything that makes things difficult for the PC and opposes them." But in this entry, I'll expand on it to present you the types of conflicts you can use in your games. Group GMs can also take advantage of it.

    "Once upon a time, Snow White and the Seven Dwarves lived happily ever after... dull isn't it?"
    # What Should Conflict Do?

    Two things: 1) Conflict should expose who a "character" ...

    Updated November 9th, 2024 at 09:05 by Tempered7

    Solo Play with FGU
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