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All Things Solo

Everything you'll need to play Solo Roleplaying Games in Fantasy Grounds Unity.

  1. Experiments with TTS & AI Voice

    Hey, folks.

    Our first item of the new category "GM's Tome of Experiments" is preparation for my first Solo Adventure after a long hiatus. I used a Text to speech program to turn GM Approach into an audio file. Then I used a Voice AI software to change the voice into something similar to Morgan Freeman's (narrator style). If you want to listen to it you can do so with the link below. Sorry for the black screen, it's just an audio file, I don't know how to make a video. I also ...

    Updated February 4th, 2025 at 11:19 by Tempered7

    GM's Tome of Experiments
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Files
  2. Exercises For GM Approach to Solo Play

    It was too long, forum didn't accept it so here's the cut content of GM Approach to Solo Play.

    # Exercises

    I won't be specific, as these are NOT homework;

    1. Search your feelings and bring out the character YOU want to BE. Define it as a Player Character.
    2. What do YOU - the player - want to do if you were that PC? What would you like to achieve or have?
    3. Pick a place you'd like to go for a vacation. Research that place and turn it into a place in your setting

    Updated August 14th, 2024 at 07:07 by Tempered7

    Solo Play with FGU
  3. GM Approach to Solo Play

    At last, Creative Process is our subject. Every topic I discussed so far was for the Player Approach which is the default mode of Solo Play if you want to quickly jump into action. Later on, as your experience increases, you can try GM Approach to start your sessions to learn about Game Mastery bit by bit. You will NOT have to create a whole world, just a piece of it to fit your PC in. This can even be a good practice if you want to start GMing for groups.

    # Creative Process

    Updated November 27th, 2024 at 09:20 by Tempered7

    Solo Play with FGU
Cosmere RPG Beta Launch

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