Cosmere RPG Beta Launch

Blog Comments

  1. MarianDz's Avatar
    I enjoyed this second part, thank you can't wait for next one
  2. C8kiemonstr's Avatar
    Part two has been posted, it can be found here
  3. C8kiemonstr's Avatar
    Thanks very much guys, I may be posting a continuation of the story early tomorrow.
  4. MarianDz's Avatar
    Mr. "C8kiemonstr" you have my one big orcish green "NICE!!!" ;o) and welcome on BLOGgers board .
    Updated December 18th, 2016 at 10:55 by MarianDz (correction word BLOGers to BLOGgers)
  5. Nylanfs's Avatar
    Looking forward to more of the story and world.

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