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  1. The Maze of Madness

    Once again our brave party entered the Dwarvin mines of the Silver Mountains to seek out and destroy all remnants of evil that the Ghost Kings have brought. Before they could travel far beneath the mountain their passage became blocked where the hallway had caved in and created a sink hole spanned by 6 pillars 4ft round, spaced 5ft apart from each other. The rogue was the first to jump, having tied a rope about himself and then leaping for the first pillar that just happened to be the extended tongue ...
  2. The Revenge

    After being forced out of the Silver Mt Mines, the party re-equipped, gained two new members and once again ventured down. The fire of revenge burned in Durlin's eyes as he lead the party back to the exact location were his brother was slain, seeking out his murderers. Entering the room there again could be seen in the darkness a strange swirling humanoid shape always keeping just out of direct sight lingering in the corners of your eye's. Without hesitation Durlin and Thad charged the creatures ...
  3. One does not simple walk into the Dwarven Silver Mines

    The party has entered the mines in good spirits and quickly defeated a horde of skeletons, an easy walk of the hallway netted them several items, their confidence raised they marched on.
    Further adventuring brought them to the Dining room where they were badly pounded by Ale elemental's, vegetable swarms and zombie pork, dinner not agreeing with them.
    Limping back into the dark passages of the mines the party was ambushed by two dark and powerful Wrights. Surrounded by wraiths the ...
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