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The Mortar Pit

  1. A Whole lot of different things going no this week

    I spent the first few days this week messing around with the Weird Wars Rome theme extension that +Eric Lamoureux sent me a while ago. I did manage to get it working to a point. Some of the frames aren't using the correct images yet, the fonts on the side bar need some work, tab icons are either not being used or not there. Of course, I am doing it the hard way and floundering a bit at it.

    The screen shot below shows what it is looking like at the moment. As you can see, it still ...
  2. 4 wickedly Savage Tales coming your way

    I really haven't dome as much over the last three of four days as I originally planned. Weather has been great so I took some time to enjoy it. I did manage to get all of the text information for all four of the Savage Tales entered. The bestiary entries have been started, and all that remains after those are the images/maps and pre-gens.

    One of the issues with the images in the Winter Eternal setting book is that the non-color artwork does not copy well at all. They turn into an ...
  3. Today's Update on Winter Eternal

    It's finally here - today's update on Winter Eternal! The weather was pretty decent on the weekend, so there wasn't as much accomplished over the last for or five days as I would have liked. The good news is that quite a bit did get completed.

    First up is a screen shot of both the random ruin generation tables. Now these are based on cards, so it is beyond my abilities, at this time, to try and create some Lua scripts to make these clickable for the GM. I am not even sure if that ...
  4. You know you want to look....

    For the update this time around I am doing something a little bit different. Normally, what I do after a couple days of working on the Winter Eternal module is post some screen shots of what has been accomplished on G+ and share them only with Morne Schaap and Eric Lamoureux (know around here as Mask_of Winter). I then get their feedback and suggestions, make any changes that come out of that, at that point I make an update post here. Incidentally, the two of them have been fantastic to work with ...
  5. The Next Update

    Here is it is, the next update! Update of what? Don't worry I have asked that of myself as well. I keep tinkering a little bit with the look and layout of the blog. Obviously, I am doing something "wrong" though...all the "how to" blogs are telling me I need to post more often, automate posting and even make "how to" blogs. Google Ad-sense even tells me I don't have enough words on my blog for them to determine what "my" little corner of the web is all about. ...
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