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  1. Day 4

    Finally took my own advice and gave myself a break.
    Still got some work in in the morning, only to realize that I've made a huge mistake and had to redo it all from scratch in the evening.
    Hopefully by tomorrow, the sheet will look much less of a complete mess.
    Should probably be looking into the frame templates before I do that, though.
    Then we've also got christmas to worry about. Next year I'll probably take mom's advice and just skip it altogether. Sometimes I wonder ...

    Updated December 23rd, 2019 at 08:56 by MooCow

  2. The Kult Character Sheet - Day 3

    Made portraits last night. They turned out pretty okay. I noticed that the CoreRPG default masks for portraits are scaled down very badly, but instead of fixing the masks themselves, I just fitted the frames after them. Should probably improve them later, but there's just so much to do that they're way down that priority list.

    Started on the speech icon, but got more interested in freeing the top controls from the global sheet frame. ...and as soon as I transfered the portrait over ...
  3. A little progress.

    Didn't accomplish that much today, which is still more than I planned:
    Fixed the tabs to now read "Front" and "Back", and desaturated them and two icons.
    I'm getting a hang of things. There's still a lot I can do. I might get 99% of the sheet ready, before something big comes up.
    I looked over at Roll20 to see if they had a sheet going, but they seem to be still asking around for a sheet too, so if I finish this sheet quick enough, Fantasy Grounds may attract ...
  4. I shouldn't talk about things.

    Had another episode of stress-induced stupor last night. When I finally went to bed I seem to have slept for 11-12 hours. Completely missed an appointment. Would have been in a miserable state anyway.

    The Kult roleplaying sheet is coming along. I actually more feel confident in my abilities now. Anchoring doesn't seem to be a thing for the larger elements - just within the elements. The larger elements seem to be anchored via two versions of a Bounds element. I should still hunt down ...
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