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  1. Test Release v3.3.2

    Quote Originally Posted by Moon Wizard View Post

    • Main window and desktop panel positions saved on exit, and restored on start.
    • Sharing state of read-only module content will be remembered between sessions.
    • Campaign passwords can be changed during a session by using the /password chat command.
    • [CoreRPG+] Page navigation buttons added to reference manuals and reference manual pullout pages.
    • [CoreRPG+] Reference manuals and reference manual pullout pages support window re-use when clicking on reference manual
  2. Join Fantasy Grounds College: Learn Fantasy Grounds, learn D&D, and then play!

    Quote Originally Posted by Laerun View Post
    Feeling lost? Struggling to find a community where you can learn or use Fantasy Grounds without being judged for being a noob? Really want to play D&D online but have no idea where to start? Have some experience to offer and just want some like-minded people to share it with?

    Join our Discord Server! https://discord.gg/mutam7v

    Fantasy Grounds College is a Discord community of amazing guys and gals who will help you both LEARN and PLAY Fantasy Grounds (and whatever
    Tags: learn 2 play
  3. LFP, Want 5e Fantasy Grounds Play tips, testing, and learning Fantasy Grounds Online!

    I just wanted to let everyone interested in this thread/blog that the school is NOT a proper game, and that the focus is: Learning how to navigate the interface, learning how to create a character, learning some of the chat commands, learning some of the basic game functions and mechanics, and having fun while meeting new people with similar interests. I still want to emphasize Role-play, cooperation, and, fun! I think it makes the game fun and sometimes completely awkward. Also, remember it is ...
  4. Are you a 5e DnD Rogue? We have one opening left to fill for Saturday Afternoons CST!

    Quote Originally Posted by Laerun View Post
    Dear Sneaky,
    We need a Rogue PC soon...
    Looking to form a positive, fun, creative DnD 5e group. Please have the patience, helpfulness, and willingness to grow this group....!
    Yin=99%, Yang=?

    Style: Fantasy 98%, Tech 2%
    Ratio/ Balance 60% Gaming, 40% Role-play
    Worlds :Forgotten Realms- Sword Coast Regions
    Rule-sets: 5e SRD, 5e Core, 3rd Party or custom rules or adding must be discussed. Please no home-brew stuff for now.

  5. This group has filled up pretty fast!

    Quote Originally Posted by Laerun View Post
    I have to say that the group is filled, and thanks for everyone that quickly responded. Any new requests from here on out will still have a shot if someone flakes or can not play...

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