View Full Version : Little suggestion...

March 16th, 2009, 20:34
Hi, i'm analyst programmer :)

i worked for a lot of month with problematic server C++/multi-client Tcl-tK Client
for exchange xml file project

and i know the difficult of socket communication and exchangin files :)


we had to studies various problems that have similarities with FG2 problematic, i suppose

- strategy of exchange file:
zip total files to server in one zip file --> trasmit only zip file -> unzip to client
advantage: less bandwith - more speed

- parsing xml: SAX parser vs DOM ----> SAX Parser


the difference between build DOM tree and event SAX parsing is
the little time of disadvantage time of parsing is less then memory occupation for DOM alghoritm

Bye :)

I hope that this suggest can help you :)