View Full Version : Definitive list of "/" commands?

March 11th, 2009, 06:57
I'm trying to come up with a definitive list of slash "/" commands that can be used during a game by the GM and Players. So far I have the following - have I missed any?

Had a look on the forums, but couldn't immediately see this anywhere.

General Commands

/vote [message]
/export [module_filename] [description]

Player Chat

/ooc [message] ALT+ENTER
/act [message] CTL+ENTER
/emote [message] CTL+SHIFT+ENTER
/mood [mood] [message]
/mood ([multi-word mood]) [message]
/die [NdN+NdN+N] [description] Hold CTL for public die rolls
/die reveal

GM Chat

/story [message] CTL+ENTER
/identity /id [name]
/whisper /w [message]
/gmid [title]

Add-on Commands


Any help with this much appreciated!


March 11th, 2009, 09:31
I'm trying to come up with a definitive list of slash "/" commands that can be used during a game by the GM and Players. So far I have the following - have I missed any?

Had a look on the forums, but couldn't immediately see this anywhere.

General Commands

/vote [message]
/export [module_filename] [description]

Player Chat

/ooc [message] ALT+ENTER
/act [message] CTL+ENTER
/emote [message] CTL+SHIFT+ENTER
/mood [mood] [message]
/mood ([multi-word mood]) [message]
/die [NdN+NdN+N] [description] Hold CTL for public die rolls
/die reveal

GM Chat

/story [message] CTL+ENTER
/identity /id [name]
/whisper /w [message]
/gmid [title]

Add-on Commands


Any help with this much appreciated!

/die hide is a DM command
/die reveal is too.
For /export you don't need name or description because they are entered in the pop up now.
/ and return = /help
You only have to put in enough to the command to make it distict. ie /h = /he = /hel = /help.
/i does something with image processing - I don't know what this is about.

March 11th, 2009, 12:59
/console - opens the script console
/openwindow [windowclass] [datasource] - opens a window and populates it with the data (this requires quite a bit of knowledge about the ruleset and the data in the database)
/imagecheck (on|off) - tells whether images are updated from the images folder or not
/reload ruleset - reloads the ruleset
/reload all - reloads the ruleset and the database
/reload - the same as /reload ruleset

March 11th, 2009, 17:54
And this all goes into the Wiki... (I was sure I had that list in there allready. Shame on me. )

- Obe

March 11th, 2009, 19:21

Did I miss any?

- Obe

March 11th, 2009, 19:29
I wouldn't include the "Add-on" commands as they are ruleset/extension dependent. I think it's more confusing than helpful.

However if you do want to be that inclusive, 4E_JPG (and maybe d20_JPG) includes:

/whisper [player] [message]

as it allows player-to-player whispers.

March 11th, 2009, 20:27
The 4E_JPG also has the /mod # [text anotation] which adds a number into the modifier stack. This is because of the /die # [text] being different in the ruleset.

The /die # [text] works different from the default FG behavior in that it tosses a d6 and puts the # into the chat window.

For 4E_JPG whisper to work to another player you must type at least /wh - you can't just type /w.