View Full Version : Missing NPC tokens from one session to next

March 4th, 2009, 10:29
For obvious reasons, I always try not to close a gaming session mid-encounter but it's not always possible. And I have a much more pressing concern for trying to avoid doing so now - I keep losing the NPC tokens.

What happens is this: we begin an encounter. I open a map, place the PC tokens (from the CT), add the NPCs to the CT, then place their tokens (again, from the CT). We then play through the encounter until we have to leave it. I then close the FG2 session using the r-click menu.

Next session, I open up the map we were using to find the mask is in place, the PC tokens are just where they were, but all the NPC tokens are missing. They are all still there on the CT, just not on the map.

Obviously this is a rather major issue if we are part-way through a big fight, and it's especially important as we play 4e, with all of its pulling/sliding/shifting shenanigans.

What am I doing wrong? Am I supposed to close the map first, or something? If it's something as simple as that, then I am sorry but that really ought to be looked at with a view to a future fix.

Thanks in advance.

March 4th, 2009, 10:48
Do you close the combat tracker first?
Most windows don't save their contents unless you close them properly.

- Obe

March 4th, 2009, 11:24
Are the tokens from a module?

March 4th, 2009, 12:08
I will be honest and say that I don't close the individual windows at all. I simply close down the FG2 client, on the assumption that it closes the windows before closing itself. That looks increasingly to be a mistaken assumption.

The tokens are from a module, yes.

March 4th, 2009, 12:45
I've had trouble using module tokens as well. I never really got around to investigating it, but thought there was a work around somewhere.

March 4th, 2009, 14:23
Ah right. Hmm.

There is a workaround, of course - don't stop your session in the middle of a fight! Actually, I have taken screen dumps of the battle map before now.

March 4th, 2009, 18:33
*If* the NPC tokens are from a module of any type, they will not presist on the map. If you want them to stay you need to add them after you activate the module.

This is that old bug that module tokens don't presist. It use to be that tokens on module maps did not presist at all. Now tokens will stay on either the current campaign or module maps, if they are placed from the current campaign. That's why PC tokens almost always stay - because they are normally placed from the current campaign.

This means another workaround is if you module is complete then load it into the campaign without any tokens preattached to the NPCs and then attach the monster tokens to the module. If you use the 4E ruleset you can just attach them to the Encounters instead.

March 5th, 2009, 12:58
Ho hum. That sounds like more work than I want to do. I shall just stick with taking screen grabs iff my combats run over a session break.

In a perverse kind of way, I am glad this is not a simple stupid little thing that I am (not) doing.