View Full Version : My new RPG website

Dementia Five
February 25th, 2009, 04:20
As a tribute to RPG gaming, and big nod to Fantasy Grounds products, I am starting a site that hopefully will generate some interest with FG and role-playing in general.

It's not quite finished, but it's at a point where I can share this with you folks. I would really like to hear your thoughts on it.

Primarily, it's a publishing house for RPG products, also web-comics and other publications.

There is an assortment of free downloads, but primarily it will serve to distribute such products for purchase. Once I get a few more products and settle the details, you can have a look at the "store". This will include any FG campaigns for sale or free download.

The forum is up and running. There's already been a buzz over the last week or so; a few folks have crept in already and I'm really happy with the way it is turning out. Already , without any publicity, the website is #5 on a Google search.

Anyhow, I invite all of you to check out the forum:


feel free to browse, and by all means register if you'd like to contribute some topics for conversation. You can navigate throughout the website, but again, parts are still under construction.

If you have any questions regarding the charter, submissions, comments or suggestions please let me know by sending a PM here or notify the "webmaster" (and who could THAT be?)

Thanks and cheers, D5