View Full Version : Extensions for Charsheet Tabs

February 17th, 2009, 11:10
Hmmm... Would it be possible to make a charactersheet in the same way as the desktop panel? IE so that it loads extensions as separate pages / tabs?

Using the same system for many different genres would make this a pretty useful feature.

February 17th, 2009, 22:53
Having gone through and modified the code on the desktop panels... I now believe this to be doable. And maybe not even terribly hard. :)

With a bit of luck it might end up being so that one can have several different charactersheets running in the same campaign with customized pages. (( I am thinking extention / page and then a checkbox for the GM to hide or show each page. ))

- Obe

February 18th, 2009, 09:40
That's a nice idea. Would we run into problems with character information getting deleted if the correct extension wasn't loaded?


February 18th, 2009, 09:46
That's a nice idea. Would we run into problems with character information getting deleted if the correct extension wasn't loaded?


Nah, I believe that unless deleted on unloading the nodes wouldn't be erased, just not shown.

- Obe