View Full Version : Recording Chat Log

January 25th, 2009, 01:15
I am running a game sundays and was wanting to record the chat log and post it on our game forums. I have seen or read about some people doing this and i was curious how do you do it? I would like to find out if i need to DL a program so i can get this done soon. Thank you for your time and effort ahead of time.

January 25th, 2009, 03:29
FG keeps a chat log in the base campaign folder called chatlog.html. To find your campaign folder press the Start Button -> All Programs -> Fantasy Grounds II -> Application Data. This will pop up a window with some folders. One of the is called campaigns. Open this folder and you will see a list of your campaign folders. Go to the one you are interested and when you open the directory you will see the chatlog.

Josh made a scrubber to clean out some of the system messages, ect. You can get it from this thread: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?t=8133