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View Full Version : "get ready to evolve!" (looking for players)

January 22nd, 2009, 18:55
i've kept my eyes out for, literally, years now for an arcana evolved campaign to join. believe it or not, i have not found one (one missed chance where i applied late and the group was full).

anyhows, i am taking matters into my own hands: i'm starting one up and will run it!

setting: monte cook's arcana evolved, and related material
time (est): either tues, 19h30 - 23h30 *or* sat, 19h00 - 00h00
starting: level 1

i'm especially looking for experienced gamers who have played arcana evolved campaign setting.

i have never played. i want to have at least one person in the group who knows the rules very well. (however, anyone else familiar with the campaign setting is welcome to apply). i have the material which i've read and re-read on and off. i also got the fg ruleset (the skin looks sweet!) and an out-of-box starting adventure recently that i'm poring through right now. i think i will be ready in a couple of week to begin (assuming i've gathered enough players :P).

in the meantime, please read the first entry of this post (it's a post looking for players in another campaign which i currently run; the five bullets give you an idea of the kind of players i'm looking for): https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?t=9464

plz pm me and tell me a little about yourself: gaming experience (esp. ae) as well as something (relatively :P) personal about you, and any questions you may have.

thx, and very looking forward!

p.s. some suggested indispensable resources for this campaign:

- pcgen ver5.12.1rc1 (pc generator)

- pcgen dataset for arcana evolved

- sourcebooks, etc

January 27th, 2009, 22:39
Would love to but, my available time is after 21:30 EST on weekdays and after 13:00 on weekends.

Rite Publishing (https://ritepublishing.com/)

"A hundred thousand lemmings can't be wrong."

February 15th, 2009, 01:49
this campaign has been set to play:

- sundays
- biweekly
- begins: 08 mar (then 22 mar, etc)
- time: 14h00 - 18h00 est

hit me up if this works for you. we are looking for 1-2 more players.


March 24th, 2009, 19:05
sat nights are open for me, say from 19h00est - midnight?

pm me for details.
