View Full Version : Problems sharing maps in 2.3.6?

January 21st, 2009, 22:13
7 of us recently purchased FG2 licenses and set up the game. We are having sporadic problems with the maps.

1. Maps are not being “pushed” properly to clients, some users see the map other don’t. In some cases we see “orange squares” where the mobs are supposed to be, we see the character icons, but we cannot see the background map. Is there any interim workaround/guidance you can give us to troubleshoot this matter until a fix is published?

2. I noticed that some maps replicate ok, but others don’t. In some clients people see the tokens of the mobs and players, in other clients people just see “orange squares where the mobs are supposed to be. And like I said, some clients get the jpg backgrounds, others don’t.

3. Another significant problem is that the program crashes frequently when we try to use other applications, like for taking notes outside FG2.

In a nutshell, we have a bunch of frustrated non-technical people and we really need assistance on this matter. Any help would be greatly appreciated.



January 21st, 2009, 22:52
Your two problems are related.

When FGII crashes (either the host or the client) the cache seems to be invalidated and EVERYTHING needs to be redownloaded.

Combine that with splitting your connection across multiple clients and FGII's not exactly speedy token/map transfers.

Your maps and tokens will eventually show up. It may take 30+ minutes depending on the number of players you have connecting and the amount of data you are transferring. You can speed this up by staggering your players connection times.

Also once they have a valid cache, future sessions should load at a better pace (unless they crash and invalidate their cache).

January 21st, 2009, 23:17
Tenian, thank you so much, we suspected something like this. Could you please let us know:

1. How can we reset a particular user's cache? "e.g., directories, files, etc. for both end users and GM.

2. If a GM crashes, does he/she needs to clean up cache as well?

3. Does creating mod files with maps resolve the caching corruption issue?

In a nutshell, when this happens, how do we work around it to be up and running again. We don' care if it takes long, we just want to be able to resume.

January 22nd, 2009, 00:18
Out of curiosity what ruleset are you using?

1) The DM is the server and never caches. If you want to "reset" a users cache just have him delete it - its just one big file. You should avoid this unless you think it is corrupt because it will likey redownload again putting a strain on the server. You can find the cache files in the cache fold in FG's data apps folder. Start button -> All Programs -> Fantasy Grounds II -> Application data folder will pop up this folder. Open the cache folder and delete the campaign folder to get rid of the cache.

2) No the server doesn't really cache anything that way. When the server crashes some data input by the players or GM may be lost. IE the combat tracker data may be wiped out or old and changes to character inventory.

3) Strickly speaking no. Mod files with maps means you don't *have* to cache certain material. What it does do is cut the amount of data that has to be transfered which means all the other stuff transfers better. Please be aware that just making your maps smaller can have the same effect.

My biggest advice to you is cut down on the amount of data being transfered. How big are your maps files? Try to keep them to 200K-300K or so. Less is even better. Make sure your tokens are only a few K too. Make sure the bandwidth of the server, particuallary the up bandwith is not being hogged by some other application or by someone in the next room on the same local LAN.

January 22nd, 2009, 02:15
Griogre covered it very well.

My best advice is to eliminate the cause of the crashes. You mentioned other applications, I recommend eliminating those if possible. Also have a lot of patience for the first session after a crash.