View Full Version : Can't edit magic items?

January 21st, 2009, 00:42
There is no info in any of the items. I tried to change the caster lever... nothing. It will let me grip the "0"...???

Can't put in a description, put it will let me check the "when identifed" but I can't enter info. Very frustrating.

January 21st, 2009, 01:25
Are you trying to modify an item in the library? Library items, spells and monsters are non editable (inside of FG anyway). Try drag and dropping the item into the list of items to make an editable copy and then you can modify them as you wish.

To drag and drop an item open the item and click on the "book" on the right of the desktop to open a list. Drag the top left square onto the list.

January 21st, 2009, 02:59
Ahh! That got it. Silly me :D One thing I can say is the community for this game is awesome.

Thanks Guys!