View Full Version : connection problem

January 16th, 2009, 18:48
I have a problem connecting to my host since the last update. I've read trough some posts and found some instructions considering the new ruleset. I have created the directory foundation3.5 as goblin suggested here https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?t=9403
But I don't understand how to transfer the directories /icons, /fonts etc... to the newly created directory.
Furthermore, I don't know if that will that resolve this problem I'm havin connecting to my host....
Please help, precisely and simply :))


January 16th, 2009, 19:51
If you are a player then the ruleset is transfered from the host so installing it has no effect (except in the rare case of a .pak ruleset). If you *are* playing in a campaign where the DM is using the d20 ruleset still then you should go to the download section of the FG site and install the d20 ruleset. The installer will put everything where it should go and more importantly update the registry.

On your connection problems you might try to set up a time so it's just him and you and see if you have the same problems. If the server does need to transfer a ruleset it will do it much faster if you are the only one connected. If there are errors on the ruleset transfer then just let it transfer everything it can and then disconnect and reconnect again and it should get any files that blew the transfer.

On the poor connection, if you are on a wireless connect use a wired connection instead if at all possible. If you can't then move your computer so it is next to the wireless antenna. Finally, if you do have a wireless router double check you have enabled security so that half the neighbors aren't all on your connection while you are trying to play. Make sure when you are trying to play in your game that no one on your local lan is transferring torrents or watching streaming video.

January 16th, 2009, 20:17
i'm a player. i understand that it should be him upgrading to foundation 3.5 ruleset, not me, and that is what we are trying to do.
our connection was fine until the d20 was disabled.
now he has a campaign that is set up for foundation 3.5 ruleset, not d20. i upgraded my fg and we can't connect.
do i(him!) have to transfer the files goblin is talking about or not??
because i'm a bit puzzled with all of this...

January 16th, 2009, 20:30
If you are a player, rather than the GM, it may be worth moving the campaign folder (including the campaign.dat) file so that it's no longer in the Fantasy Grounds Application Data folder (accessed via the Start Menu). When you try and connect to the GM's computer, the modified campaign files will be downloaded again to your PC.

January 17th, 2009, 14:22
all this answers don't help!!!
now we installed d20 ruleset and we still can't connect!!!
we spent like 120$ on this software and we can't use it??
developers? any idea on how to reslove our problems??

January 17th, 2009, 14:40
all this answers don't help!!!
now we installed d20 ruleset and we still can't connect!!!
we spent like 120$ on this software and we can't use it??
developers? any idea on how to reslove our problems??Firstly, calm down... ;)

The fact that you have tried to connect with both the d20 ruleset and the foundation ruleset suggests that the problem is possibly not with the move to foundation at all, but due to some change in your GM's local configuration. For example, his local IP address may have changed and the port forwarding he set on his router may no longer be valid.

It would be helpful if you could ask your GM to join us here so that we could investigate whether the connection problem is at his end or not. (At the very least, get him to start your campaign and then use the tools at www.pcflank.com* to do a scan on port 1802. If the result is not 'Open' then the issue is at his end, not yours.)

To answer one of your questions: no, you don't need to install the files that Goblin-King referred to. This post refers to the action that community members should take if they wish to develop their own extensions based on the files contained in the 3.5E extension. You probably read that post following a search, or as a result of New Posts, but if you check the forum you'll see it's in a section called Foundry, where the threads explain the processes governing developing new functionality based off the foundation ruleset.


* PC Flank's website seems to be down at the moment. An alternative would be Shields Up (https://www.grc.com/x/ne.dll?bh0bkyd2). your GM should read and then Proceed past the warning messages, then enter 1802 in the box and click 'User specified custom port probe'. Scroll down the page of results and you should see a row reporting on port 1802. It needs to be Open for you to be able connect.

January 17th, 2009, 15:26

Might be a helpful place to start.

- Obe

Blue Haven
January 17th, 2009, 16:33
* PC Flank's website seems to be down at the moment. An alternative would be Shields Up (https://www.grc.com/x/ne.dll?bh0bkyd2). your GM should read and then Proceed past the warning messages, then enter 1802 in the box and click 'User specified custom port probe'. Scroll down the page of results and you should see a row reporting on port 1802. It needs to be Open for you to be able connect.

Please do not use Shields Up! every time you use it, they install some trojans on programs you have so please beware...

January 17th, 2009, 17:35
Please do not use Shields Up! every time you use it, they install some trojans on programs you have so please beware...Have you got a link to any proof of this? I've scanned the first four pages of a Google search for '"shields up" trojans' and I can't see anything. There are some attacks on the character of the author, Steve Gibson, who seems to be something of a maverick, but no indications that the port scanner itself does anything untoward.


Blue Haven
January 17th, 2009, 21:59
I have nothing against this guy, and i speak only because in the past one or two months (i never went there again) every time i do a check with the shields up, one or more programs were infected and had to clean them all and if you continue to do checks (firewall checks) more and more programs that are on the list of your firewall program will be infected...nothing more :)

January 17th, 2009, 22:17
Mherceg, you might want to try to connect to another host to see if the problem is you or the host. Almost all connection problems where you can't connect at all that are not due to hardware failure are the fault of the host not being properly configured. The good news is usually once the host is configured correctly it usually stays that way.

Some things that could have changed are: 1) If he doesn't have a static local IP that could have changed. 2) He could have added new or different hardware between his computer and the Internet (router, switch, new network card). 3) He might be using a different computer. 4) He or someone else in his houshold could have reset the router. There are other things but those are probably the most common.

You can check to see if it really is the ruleset that is the problem by using the demo to connect. The demo still has the d20 ruleset imbedded in it. You will need to connect with the IP address though.

January 18th, 2009, 09:21
Another possibility is that he is hosting from a laptop and moved to another network (e.g. a hotel) where the port forwarding wasn't set up. Please can you get your GM to tell us the setup?


January 18th, 2009, 12:17
as it happens it was his router fault, better said he reseted it and after that we could not connect.
he has thomson router and after the reset he was assigned a new IP... but the router remembered his computer, his mac address, but also the old IP... so he opened ports like 10 times, tried everything, except assigning his comp again (thus aligning his new IP with his MAC address)...
we did this, and assigned him the static IP and it's working now :))
sorry for my excitement, i was really annoyed (wrongly) thinking that our problem is caused by ruleset problems...
thanks to everyone for their patience and personal engagement

January 18th, 2009, 12:17
one more question...
how come there is no history in game chat?

January 18th, 2009, 12:23
The chat history is stored on the GMs computer. It's the chatlog.html file in the campaign folder. The campaign folder is located in the Fantasy Grounds Application Data folder (available from the Windows Start menu).

January 18th, 2009, 14:33
Good to hear you got it solved, mherceg.
