View Full Version : Q about Full version

Skull Angel
November 24th, 2008, 19:47
I'm about to purchase FGII and it will be me and my wife playing on it.

My question is: if I purchase the Full version will we both be able to use it at the same time? I saw in the demo video that as a GM, you could log in another user locally, but we will be logging in to another users game and both be playing characters. So can she login locally to a game that I've logged into or do we need to get 2 different accounts?


November 24th, 2008, 20:31
My question is: if I purchase the Full version will we both be able to use it at the same time? I saw in the demo video that as a GM, you could log in another user locally, but we will be logging in to another users game and both be playing characters. So can she login locally to a game that I've logged into or do we need to get 2 different accounts?

Only one copy of FG will be able to connect to a different game. There is sometimes a reason to run two instances FG on one computer one a host and one a client - mostly for setting character portraits and play testing - but you can't run two clients and connect to a host on a different computer.

It is possible to run two characters from one client. This means you would have to "hot seat" though. If you both have computers, I suspect you both would be much happier with a copy of FG. I would suggest you get a full and lite version if one of you is going to run a game. If neither of are you planning on running then you could get two lite versions but normally there is no upgrade from the lite to full version (there is now for a "limited" time). On the opposite hand if you both ran campaigns and wanted to work on them at the same time you would want two full versions.

Hope that cleared up your choices. Ask if you have more questions.