View Full Version : Is there any way to...

November 19th, 2008, 07:13
This is a strange one, but is there any way to attatch a image to the end of the mouse pointer in FG? I'm thinking not, but I have kind of a cool idea if you could.

On that subject is there any way to change the graphic of the mouse pointer- on the main screen, not just on maps?

While I'm on the mouse, is there any way to catch click events prior to them firing a control handler? Basically I want to enter a specific mode and then be able to exit it if you right click regardless of where the cursor is on the screen.

November 20th, 2008, 06:42
Not really sure on this one, but these are my guesses:

You might be able to do something with onHoverUpdate while within a control, or amending the dragdata picture in onDrag.
I'm not aware of any ability to change the mouse pointer, only its style (hand, pointer)
Right-clicks don't generate click events, they are reserved for radial menus only.

The only thought (and it is very clunky) would be to create an invisible windowclass/generic control that sat on top of everything else while you were in that mode, and would respond to onHoverUpdate and onClick. When you exit the mode, close the invisible window.

Sorry, but may be someone else knows better.


November 20th, 2008, 12:02
Thanks, Foen.

The first one and the last one I can do without, but I would definitely like to change the pointer- that can be a useful indication of state, as they already do. I'd just like to add to it a bit.

Oh well, no big deal on any of these.

November 20th, 2008, 22:20
Being able to skin the pointer as well as everything else'd be a NICE help for setting feel.

A medieval style pointer in a Sci-Fi or StarWars game is a bit of a deal-breaker.

- Obe