View Full Version : d20_JPG

November 13th, 2008, 15:49
I didnpt put this in the help thread since I don't think its a FG issue.

I have the d20_jpg 1.3 & v2 both have given me an odd error /bug versus the standard d20 set.

When using the standard d20 ruleset that is built into FG II I was able to drag the weapon attack die & weapon damage die to the quick / hot bar.
Comp. Longbow was on position 5 on my original campaign; after upgrading / switching to the jpg version I lost my hot bar key and seem to be unable to drag / drop the information back to the hot bar.

Thanks for any insight in advance.

November 13th, 2008, 17:46
You are correct, it is true you can't drag attack or weapon dice to the hotkey bar. I suggest you post this over at the FUM d20 forum where Moon Wizard will see it.

November 13th, 2008, 22:18
You are correct, it is true you can't drag attack or weapon dice to the hotkey bar. I suggest you post this over at the FUM d20 forum where Moon Wizard will see it.

Already done was just wondering if I was going sane or something.

November 14th, 2008, 07:27
Take 1 open ended D6 sanity loss and call back in the morning and we'll see.