View Full Version : True20 System

October 23rd, 2008, 18:47
True20 seems to be getting no FG Love...I've been told it's because of some reluctance on the part of Green Ronin.

I downloaded an early version of a T20 ruleset from this site, and despite having all kinds of respect for and gratitude to the creator of that ruleset, it just wasn't complete at the time I downloaded it. Skills from True20 weren't available on the Skills tab, calculations seemed wonky, the Personalities functionality was still stuck in d20 land.

Has anyone recently updated or done a new version of the True20 ruleset for Fantasy Grounds? I'm moving away from 3.5, and I'd like to keep using FG, but it seems like every game BUT True20 has gotten material.

EDIT: I've found quite a few threads... and all of them either hint at someone having such a ruleset, or indicate that one is in the works...but that's it.

October 29th, 2008, 07:14
I have one. I ended up modifying that early one you mentioned. Mine is quite ugly and is highly customized for my Wheel of Time campaign so would be of little use to you. Plus I've put stuff in it for just my group to use that wouldn't be legal to pass around.

October 29th, 2008, 13:24
I'm currently modifying one to roll on doubleclick, so I guess I'll muddle my way through...the last time I did any programming was the 90s, so the structure of XML is rather foreign to me...so many references! But I'll manage I think.