View Full Version : Can't build in d20

September 17th, 2008, 04:09
Good evening!

I purchased a full FGII license a little over a month ago and have been fiddling with it off and on ever since. Recently I started trying to build my own modules/campaigns, but I seemed to be lacking the tools. When I go into Host a Game as Gamemaster and create or load a d20 campaign, I get the following error message, "Script Error: ["string/desktopmanager.lua"]:103: attempt to call field 'setTooltipText'[a nil value]". When the FGII screen comes up I have none of the setup tools that should appear along the right-hand side. I have run the updater and found no new updates.

Tonight I downloaded the latest 4e_JPG ruleset. When I created a new campaign in that ruleset all of the DM editing tools appeared, leading me to believe that I have a faulty install of the d20 ruleset. Has anyone else had this problem? Is there a way to re-download/re-install the d20 ruleset (with or without re-installing FGII from scratch)? My apologies if solutions to these issues have already been posted, but I haven't been able to find any reference to either in the forums here.

Thanks in advance!

September 17th, 2008, 05:57
gmkieran, you may be experiencing a problem with the new patch for FG. Apparently, there seems to be some issue with a pre patch campaign and the patch. It doesn't seem to happen to everyone. The work around is to do just what you did start a new campaign and if you had an old one, copy those files over the new files.

September 17th, 2008, 06:10
If you're running Windows Vista, the virtual store might cause something like this to happen. See this post (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showpost.php?p=63171&postcount=4) I made about the issue.

September 22nd, 2008, 19:41

Nice to know I'm not the only one. Unfortunately, every campaign I've started in the d20 ruleset has the same issue, no creation tools. Also, I didn't start trying to create a d20 campaign until after I downloaded the patch, so it's probably not a pre-patch issue. I'd like to be able to create in d20, though, because I'm not all that sparked about 4E.


Happily I'm still running XP with no intent to upgrade any time soon, so that's not the issue.

Any other thoughts on what might be causing it or how to re-load the d20 ruleset?

September 22nd, 2008, 22:43
The desktopmanager.lua is a file modified or added from the last patch. Unfortunately because d20 is the default ruleset you need to uninstall and re-install FG to get a fresh copy. Obviously, backup anything you don't want to lose in your data apps folder, though uninstalling *should* not affect this folder.

September 23rd, 2008, 02:43
That makes sense, but if I uninstall and re-install won't that just reset me back to before the patch? and then the update will go out and grab the patch and I'll be right back here. Or is there a download of FGII with the patch, but without the broken desktopmanager.lua file?

Really appreciate the help!!!

edit: after further investigation, it appears that there is no desktopmanager.lua file anywhere on my HD. Perhaps that is the cause of the script error? It's calling a file that isn't there?

September 23rd, 2008, 07:22
Running the updater will check your d20 installation and update it if it is out of date. The desktopmanager.lua file is not on your disk in extracted form, but contained in the d20.pak file. I would advise you to run the updater once just to make sure all files are up to date.

September 24th, 2008, 01:54
Thanks, Goblin-King (and sorry about the typo previously!)

Ran the updater and it did update the d20 package, but when I tried to create a new d20 campaign I got the same error and still didn't have the creation tools. 4E still works, though.

edit: the error has now expanded. I now receive the script error when viewing/editing local characters - that didn't happen before. Also, now I cannot log into a hosted campaign. I receive a new error indicating that the host is running v 2.0.2 and I am running v 2.0.1 and requesting that I update. I have run the updater 4 times tonight. Each time it appears to update (it does more than say, "Looking for updates" and "done" - it actually lists 3 or 4 packages that it's updating). Interestingly, the version listed in the normal screen is 2.1.1 (not 2.0.1), but the version listed in the patch notes is 2.2.1 (the version I supposedly updated to just before all of this went wrong. I have even tried uninstalling the software and re-installing from scratch, cutting and pasting my access key out of the confirmation email I received to avoid typos.

I have already emailed all of this information to the support team, but wanted to post it here, as well, in case anyone else was having similar issues.

September 25th, 2008, 01:58
Still not sure how or why the problem occurred (may have been a combination of factors), but I believe I finally have it resolved. I uninstalled FGII, manually edited my registry to remove all references to it, deleted the Fantasy Grounds II folder from Program Files (which, by the way, contained three iterations of the "FantasyGrounds.exe" file in addition to the original (2), (3) & (4)) and then re-downloaded the installation file from my original confirmation email (manually entering the access key when required). The final installation shows v 2.2.0 (instead of 2.1.1) and I have full editing capability in both d20 and 4E rulesets. I will be testing connection functionality tonight or tomorrow, but I'm relatively certain the re-install solved those issues, as well.

September 25th, 2008, 05:19
Good news. :)

October 1st, 2008, 14:11
[...]deleted the Fantasy Grounds II folder from Program Files (which, by the way, contained three iterations of the "FantasyGrounds.exe" file in addition to the original (2), (3) & (4))[...]

Wanted to get back to this issue to check what you mean by this. Did your "Fantasy Grounds II" folder actually contain files named "FantasyGrounds(2).exe" etc.?