View Full Version : Paintshop Pro Script

September 2nd, 2008, 00:30
The attached file is a zip of a Paintshop Pro script that will take an image you have opened in Paintshop (assumed to be the cover of a module) and convert it into a thumbnail of the proper size for use in a module.

It will:
1) Rotate the image 20 degrees left like the existing images.
2) Add a drop shadow to the image.

It assumes that the image you are converting is taller than it is wide. If this is not true, then the resultant image will not be 91x86 pixels as required. Note that it does not care how big the image is originally, but it does assume the image is trimmed to eliminate any background (the script will add a 5% transparent margin around the book image).

To use the script:
1) Place the script into your Documents\My PSP Files\Scripts-Restricted\ folder.
2) Start PSP and load the image you want to convert.
3) Select the File->Script->Run... menu command.
4) Find 'Make Thumbnail.PspScript' file in the Run Script Dialog and select it.
5) Click the <Open> button.
6) When the script finishes, save your file as a '.png' file for inclusion into the module's zip folder.
