View Full Version : A thank you.

August 27th, 2008, 13:51
I wanted to thank the team for FGII for making a wonderful product. Without this I would still be sitting waiting for WotC. You guys do wonderful work.

I also want to thank the community for the help I've gotten from the various posts, and even want to thank Xorn in particular. Without you, I would probably have gone out of my mind trying to figure alot of this out. Your tutorials are the absolute best.

Thankyou for giving my players and I a place to play every weekend even tho we are seperated by a very long distance. You've helped bring back the wonderful times that we so longed for and started to think would never return.

August 27th, 2008, 14:40
Your sense of gratitude to the community is heartwarming. I am glad you have found a way to recreate those great roleplaying moments with your friends again.