View Full Version : Am I missing something?

August 22nd, 2008, 17:54
Half the games I apply for keep me in pending status forever. Other games simply vanish...

Is it my cyber breath? :(

August 22nd, 2008, 18:23
That's normal. GM's or players lose interest and no one updates the calander.

Blue Haven
August 22nd, 2008, 18:28
Yeah that is very annoying...i´m on 2 dead games and that crap doesn´t disappear...there should be an option for the player to exit...

August 22nd, 2008, 18:28
The problem is that you can't remove them. The GM can remove players from the calendar entry, but the GM can't remove the games themselves from the calendar.

August 22nd, 2008, 18:59
Tool needs updated then.

Dying campaigns are not an option for me. If you aren't going to put your all into it, don't start it to begin with.

If life happens, that is different. Sometimes things in RL happen to pull you away from the game, but at least take care of your mess and update your information.

August 22nd, 2008, 22:06
Joining games doesn't usually happen that way. The best way is to use the site messaging facility to enquire whether there are spaces in a game. If you get no response, then presume it's not worth applying. This forum often has new games advertised, so apply here. Or lastly, advertise when, what and where you want to play and market yourself on this here forum.

August 23rd, 2008, 20:53
Yes, but it doesn't take much effort to alter the description of the game to read: "No longer running" or "Not accepting new players".

August 23rd, 2008, 21:35
"Half the games I apply for keep me in pending status forever. Other games simply vanish..."

Hello - I've been running games for 3 years and I'll give you my perspective.

Any player that sends me a private message is welcome to join our next game. First, when someone sends me a PM, I see it right away. Second, my calendar entry explicitly states that the way to join my game is to send me a private message.

By contrast, when a player does nothing more than request to join my campaign on the calendar, despite the description stating that this is not the way to join, I typically won't even be aware of the new request for days or even weeks. Then, when I see a pending player on the game calender, who hasn't contacted me, I'll basically treat it as spam and just delete them.

I've probably deleted 20 spam entries or more over the years, meaning that, despite my instructions that just joining the calendar is not how to join the campaign, and that interested players need to PM me, I have still had about 20+ folks add their names to the calendar. I also typically notice that these people have spammed join requests across multiple calendar entries.

Anywho, hope that explanation is helpful. You should be able to easily find a game to join if you private message folks.
