View Full Version : Niggling issue with pointer distances in 4th ed ruleset

August 21st, 2008, 04:50
This may be a jpg 4th ed ruleset issue, I don't know.

When I have my maps laid out, I lay the grid out at 50px per square. When I draw pointers, it has a scale of 1 square = 1 ft. Where can I change this so that 1 square = 5 ft?

August 21st, 2008, 05:26
This is a JPG 4th thing. In 4th Ed all distances, ranges, ect are in squares so 1 square = 1 square not 1 foot.

August 21st, 2008, 14:00
As I was in the shower this morning I realized that. I have been so ingrained with 1 square = 5 ft that it carried over.