View Full Version : Mutants & Masterminds - looking for heroes

August 17th, 2008, 04:22
Hello everyone. I'm new to the boards here but have been lurking for a couple of months now. I've been planning an M&M game to run with Fantasy Grounds. Well, most of the planning is out of the way and I'm finally ready to start the ball rolling.

Please read on if you're interested.

The campaign will be run for a variety of players. However I'm looking to fill out the ranks with a few more capes. This is where folks from this board can jump in and save the universe. I'm looking to fill about 2 to 3 additional regular players, with a possible 1 to 3 floating players (players that couldn't make every week but would still like to play as their time allows). Hey, how many members have the JLA or Avengers had?

The game - Mutants & Masterminds 2nd Edition. However I'll be using the standard d20 ruleset included with Fantasy Grounds.

When - The game will run every other week on Tuesday nights. There is a potential to move the day around in order to compliment people's busy schedules from week to week. However the goal is to keep the game away from Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays. Games will start 6pm (pacific time) and run for 3 to 4 hours.

Campaign Concept - For those unfamiliar with my GM'ing style I'll fill you in. I like to run large epic types of games. As far as I'm concerned, if you're going to play a game, the game should be epic in scope with the characters doing epic deeds. My D&D games often incorporated themes of gods/goddesses, world wars, powerful magical devices, and earth shattering events. This campaign will be similar in scope. If you enjoy superhero comics this campaign will follow similar exploits as only the Justice League of America, X-Men, Justice Society, Teen Titans, and Avengers can handle. Magic, Paragons, Science-Fiction is definitely in play. As a superhero you will be saving the world, not just a city.

I'm not a rules lawyer. I tend to run games based on what feels right rather than what the rules state. I look at character actions based on context (context being what your character is, what your character can normally do, and what the environment brings to the situation). Combats tend to be fast paced only lasting a few minutes of real time. I also look for character interaction to "convince" me that something is possible. If you are creative with your descriptions and reasons why your character should be able to do something, then I will reward you for your creativity. I also reward players based on character concepts. If you have an energy blast power and you call it simply 'energy blast' I won't penalize you for anything but you also won't be rewarded either. But if you're playing a reborn Angel bringing retribution to evil and your energy blast is called 'smite the wicked' then you'll get kudos and be rewarded in-game. In other words, my GM style typically allows characters to do things the rules would deem improbable (or impossible) to do. Don't worry though. While the characters will certainly be powerful, the NPCs are equally if not more powerful than you are. So challenges abound.

Character Creation - This is where things get interesting. Characters will be Power Level 15. That means 225 power points to spend.

Yes. The idea is to create powerful characters. That's the point of this campaign. There is a downfall to this though... Don't expect your character to gain in power levels. I'm not saying it can't happen, but it'll be very very very rare (if at all). As a player you'll be rewarded in different ways. Also, don't min-max. I can recognize it and will definitely squash it. Even with the power level don't be afraid to give some flaws to your character. Begin with a concept then begin designing your character. If your character has weaknesses it'll add to the storytelling and make your character more enjoyable to you and everyone else.

I will be available to assist with character creation or you can make an attempt and send it my way for final approval.

Roleplaying / Storytelling - There's a huge difference between roleplaying and rollplaying. I prefer the former. You may find it difficult to get into character, and that's fine - you'll always be welcome at my gaming table. But I highly encourage people to get into character and develop stories of their own. I like to see developing character personas, backgrounds, concepts, etc. The rewards are plentiful if you have fun and wish to contribute to the game world. If you don't like to do these things then no biggie. Nothing ventured, nothing gained.

Misc - The game is open to any level of experience with Mutants & Masterminds or RP in general. I have a ventrilo server that we'll be using so that typed chat doesn't have to be primary the entire time. I will encourage roleplaying to be done through FG chat though. If you're playing a female character and you happen to be male, well, it's not going to go over too well on ventrilo.

I have created an MSN group for everyone to discuss the game, figure out plots, plan the team's next moves, talk about play times, etc.

If you're interested and you're still reading this, shoot me an email with a character concept. Please keep in mind the goal of the game is to recreate epic comic battles and adventures. While I certainly respect the rules of the game, I view them in very loose terms and that GM'ing style doesn't always appeal to some gamers.

Oh! One more thing. This will be my first time running a game with Fantasy Grounds, so just be forwarned! :) But if you're experienced with the software I'll be happy to learn from your knowledge!


myndvizion at hotmail dot com

August 17th, 2008, 07:15
I'm interested, but I've never played M&M and the character creation process seems kind of intimidating. Also, I'm not sure about Tues nights. I'm currently trying to get into another game that is supposed to be run Tues nights, but players are kind of slow joining. Other weekday nights (Mon, Wed, or Fri) would work better for me. What time zone are you considering?

August 18th, 2008, 12:54
Has a MM ruleset for FGII ever been created ? Sounds like from your right up on the campaign style that that might noi be an impediment..

August 18th, 2008, 15:36
I've heard distant rumors of an M&M ruleset. And after scouring the internet I came up empty handed. No big deal though. As long as we can roll dice, and I can share images, we're pretty much good to go.

As far as the gaming night is concerned, we'll start out on Tuesdays with the game moving throughout the week as needed. But the primary gaming night we're shooting for is Tuesday.

August 19th, 2008, 23:22
Well, the game I was looking to join has moved away from Tuesdays. So, I'll be able to game on Tuesdays. But, I'm still not sure about character creation. I'll try to work my way through the process and send you a character concept.

August 20th, 2008, 18:35
I'd be up for this too. I'll run out and look for a copy of the rules this afternoon and make up a character if your not full.

August 21st, 2008, 02:09
I also would like to jump in if you are not full.

August 21st, 2008, 21:59
We're still looking to fill our ranks with a few extra folks. If you're interested please shoot me an email at: myndvizion at hotmail dot com. We'll get you started with a concept and getting your character finalized. I'll also invite you to our MSN group. I'm getting ready to kickoff the campaign so you'd be joining in from the very beginning.

Take care.

August 22nd, 2008, 07:32
hello hello Merlin is in the House. lol. I am going to join you guys. Now the hard part. Figuring out which concept to use.

August 23rd, 2008, 04:03
I sent you an email with a character concept.

August 26th, 2008, 02:27
Im interested in a M&M game! Only Tuesdays wouldnt work for me =(

I am free wednesday and thursday nights, if those work out, I would love to get in on some superhero fun

March 11th, 2009, 18:42
I am way down with gettin in on a m&M game if your still runnin it or know where i can get the rule set for 2nd edition that would rock