View Full Version : Training/learning FG 2

August 16th, 2008, 21:37
Are there any DMs out there that offer sessions with players to help them learn the game? I'd like to learn how to DM Fantasy Grounds but I'm the type of person who learns well with a more hands on approach than reading through a manual full of complex terms I forget the meaning of by the time I reach the next chapter...

Are there any groups who offer this soft of thing?

Thanks in advance!

August 16th, 2008, 22:06
Usually for the players if they have played in a face to face game the learning curve is very low. The only thing they really need to learn is how to set up hot keys and make ad hoc mods.

For GM's the learning curve is higher and has a pretty big impact on the speed of the game. I would suggest you look at the video tutorials done by Xorn to get started:

You can even learn by... playing in a game as a player. :) Many GM's don't care if someone sits in on a game either.

August 17th, 2008, 00:04
Thanks for the information Griogre, I suppose the information was there all along, I just had to go looking for it in the right place. Thank you for pointing me in the right direction :)

Usually for the players if they have played in a face to face game the learning curve is very low. The only thing they really need to learn is how to set up hot keys and make ad hoc mods.

For GM's the learning curve is higher and has a pretty big impact on the speed of the game. I would suggest you look at the video tutorials done by Xorn to get started:

You can even learn by... playing in a game as a player. :) Many GM's don't care if someone sits in on a game either.

August 18th, 2008, 15:15
Our first game session is this saturday evening. Hit up the website in my sig and join the yahoogroup to get info on how to sit in and observe.