View Full Version : Updating 50 Fathoms to SWEX

August 16th, 2008, 20:27
I've been updating the 50 Fathoms module to be compatible with SWEX. It has been relatively simple to go in and modify the melee weapon damage values; however, there is one link, the entry for Ghost, that links back to the main rulebook.
<link class="npc" recordname="beastiary.index.ghost@SW GM Rules">

This link doesn't work, I imagine because I don't have the original version of the ruleset, just the SWEX version. What should this line be changed to for the link to work properly?

August 16th, 2008, 21:21
You need to link into the SWEX GM module by calling:

<link class="npc" recordname="beastiary.ghost@SWEX GM Guide">
<b>Ghost (23):</b> Ghosts have gear of a normal pirate (Cutlass Str+2).
SW EX GM module must be activated to open personality.

You should also change the: "...(Cutlass Str+2)." to the value you are using for the cutlass. I believe the SWEX is different from PotSM in this value - but that is off the top of my head.

Edit: Oops I just checked, Cutlass damage is Str+d6 in both cases (which is the standard conversion anyway from revised to EX).

August 16th, 2008, 21:28
By the way welcome to the boards. :) Such a good choice on your first post too. I did the 50F conversion to FG. ;) :D

August 18th, 2008, 18:32
Yep, figured that it was that simple and tried it already, but that just brings up a blank personalities sheet, rather than the correct entry. Didn't bother to mention in original post, 'cause I didn't think it mattered what I had already tried, just wanted to know what was correct, and this ain't it.:(

August 18th, 2008, 19:45
If it brings up a blank personality tab it usually means the path is wrong in the link. I tested the link above on my version and it worked fine.

Double check you have this exact path (note there is no index): recordname="beastiary.ghost@SWEX GM Guide"

If that doesn't work let me know.

August 18th, 2008, 20:36
Doh! The index part was tripping me up. Got it working now. Thanks!

August 20th, 2008, 20:54
Hi mac40k, would you be willing to share your updated module with us?

August 20th, 2008, 21:17
I would hope he would not since he would be giving away copywrited material.

August 21st, 2008, 17:49
Sorry, as Griorge said, you'll have to buy your own copy of the 50 Fathoms module and perform your own update. It's really not hard since the only thing you need to do (other than the one link reference above) is update the melee weapon damage values from Str+n to Str+dn format. For example Str+1 becomes Str+d4, Str+2 becomes Str+d6, and so on. Just open the db.xml file with WordPad or your XML editor and find all the weapons, then substitute the correct die type in the damagedice field for value in the damagebonus field and change the damagebonus field to 0. If you don't know how to edit the .mod files, there are plenty of other threads that cover that in more detail, so I won't go into it here, but here's an example of an entry for a Knife for a Personality with d6 Str.
Goes from:
<damagebonus type="number">1</damagebonus>
<damagedice type="dice">d6</damagedice>

to this:
<damagebonus type="number">0</damagebonus>
<damagedice type="dice">d6,d4</damagedice>

You'll also want to update the description in the gear type field from Str+1 to Str+d4 as well.

Note that weapons that have a special damage vs specific enemy type are a little different, so a Str+2/Str+5 vs specific enemy, would become Str+d6/Str+d6+3 vs specific enemy. IOW they still get a static bonus vs. the specific enemy type rather than a larger die type. At least that's how I interpret it.

Hope this helps!