View Full Version : European experiment

August 4th, 2008, 17:51
Hi folks,

I thought I'd post this just to see if anyone would be interested. If enough people express their interest, I just might put it into operation. Then again, I'm not promising anything.

My opinion when it comes to RPGs is "Life's too short to be stuck with D&D". Therefore, I'd like to put together a long-term gaming group not tied to one system, but rather trying out new things, switching between games when the old one gets boring and having fun messing around with the occasional Indie.

Gaming sessions would most likely take place on Saturday evenings GMT, which means it'd be best suited for Europeans, but someone on the East coast of USA willing to adjust to these times would be just as welcome.

Anyways, do you think this has a chance to work?

August 4th, 2008, 18:33
It's quite a good idea, but it would involve a variety of different rulesets, one would imagine. As long as you can get hold of them, I would hope you'd get quite a few "members".

August 4th, 2008, 18:41
Aye, rulesets would be an issue...

I'm sure we'd figure that out, though, somehow (either by neglecting some of FG's features or creating some sort of universal ruleset - like a character sheet with only a few fields and a lot of blank space)

Waldo Pepper
August 6th, 2008, 15:42
I'm interested, both as a player and GM. I'm familiar with and own quite a collection of indie RPGs and even have a couple in the development stages that we could playtest.

I don't think rulesets is much of an issue if you're interested in most indie games since they're pretty light on overhead: A few dice, maybe a deck of cards, and a notepad and you're good to go. I've run PDQ, Primetime Adventures, My Life with Master, and In a Wicked Age using FG with no problems at all.

August 6th, 2008, 16:44
Oh, how I'd love to try out My Life with Master... :o I think we could start with that.

Anyway, that's one interestee. Any more? I imagine 3 players + me would be enough to get this thing going.

August 6th, 2008, 19:26
Hi Imago,

Thanks for the PM - I might be interested if the game is over skype.

I'm currently GM Delta Green, but I could prolly fit in another session. :) I'd be interested in GMing or playing. I like indie stuff also - I've got quite a few games. I've been writing a mini-campaign for Cthulhu rising, but I'll run or play nearly anything. Although I'm not too Keane on D&D (sorry).



August 6th, 2008, 19:44
Although I'm not too Keane on D&D (sorry).

Did you really mean D&D? Or are my suspicions right and you meant MLwM? Because none of us mentioned actually playing D&D.

Waldo Pepper
August 6th, 2008, 20:25
I'm totally up for MlwM. Skype would also be ok, especially in conjunction with FG to handle some of the mechanics, etc.

August 30th, 2008, 18:09

I would like to join your group, and Saturday is just perfect. Sadly, I am living together with some other guys and don't want to force them to hear everything. WOuld you be fine with me typing instead of using Skype or Ventrilo?

Waldo Pepper
August 30th, 2008, 23:13
Role call here: Who wants to make this group a reality? I'm interested in getting things moving on a European Indie group. Skype is optional BTW - I actually prefer staying IC through text since it helps with the suspension of belief.

I could run games every other Friday night or most Saturdays. I'd prefer if I wasn't the only GM but am willing to run the first game(s) to get things started. I literally have dozens of indie RPGs I'd like to try out so almost anything is possible.

For those who are interested, I'm getting ready to start a Monday night group (most Mondays 8-11pm GMT+1) using Battlegrounds software - I have 5 floating licenses so all that's needed is a demo version of the software and you're good to go. We're starting off with a few sessions of a game called Kidz which I've written (playtesting; the book should be out next August) before moving on to Trail of Cthulhu or The Esoterrorists. If anyone is interested in joining us, drop me a PM here. We probably won't be using Skype for those games.

Hardcore Stig
September 10th, 2008, 23:11
hmm, sounds interesting.

Waldo Pepper
September 13th, 2008, 18:40
We've got 2 players now; I still have room for 1-2 more. :)

September 16th, 2008, 12:40
I'd really like to part of this. But my schedule is due to change in october so I can't commit to any particular day right now. Maybe I could be a semi regular player? If you plan on switching games often, I would simply skip one system and rejoin for the next.

I haven't played via FG but I own a full license and am prepping a L5R game I'm going to run. My native tongue is german but I do speak english and skype would definately a plus (my typping is rather slow).

I've been gaming for 20+ yrs now and altough I haven't actually played any indie games, I own quite a few.