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View Full Version : Dreams and Aspirations - 4e Friday\Saturday Game (Looking for Players)

August 2nd, 2008, 06:28
Dreams and Aspirations (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/calendar/index.xcp?id=283)

I'm starting up mah campaign at last.
Start time will probably be 9pm - midnight (GMT+0) on Friday, although other times can possibly be arranged depending.

I'm looking for 5 players, although i'm willing to go with 4 or 6 (no more or less than that, 4e really doesn't work with less and gets really cluttered with more.)

I'm after the usual in players.

Mature and friendly outlook. I'm not interested in people who start sulking when they don't get their way. I've run into both players and DM's who do this and it ruins it for everyone.
Enjoys storyline. There is a fair amount of hack and slash in this, but there's also quite a bit of story, and there are rewards for exploring said story.
Well thought out characters that actually fit into the setting. If i see somone try to create "A mysterious black cloaked demon that only speaks Infernal" you are going to have to rethink your character. Again, this is no fun for anyone.
Reliability. I can't state this too much. Everyone hates it when only 2 people turn up to the game (with no explanation as to why nobody else is there.) And it wastes time.

Also, finally, a sense of humour! The setting -is- serious, but there are some humourous bits, and i have a fairly joking personality. Look on the light side of things.

As a GM i value speed and efficiency in gameplay, as i feel that nothing ruins the fun of a game more than spending 5 minutes digging through rulebook X to find whatever. Feel free to step in and tell me that i got something wrong, but try and avoid breaking the flow of the game, i'll often wait to correct any errors until after the current encounter, unless they're major gameplay issues.

There -is- combat, and quite alot, the storyline starts characters off in the middle of a warzone. But just because there's combat doesn't mean there's no roleplaying or storyline, keep that in mind.

If you're interested, you can sign up at the calandar entry (link at the top of this post) or post in this thread. You can also read on, where i have dumped a great mass of story.

August 2nd, 2008, 06:29
The Empire of the Endless Plains

Ruled by the Nomad King, the Empire of the Endless Plains was founded ninety years ago by Miced Qabuf, the First Nomad King.
Miced founded the Empire after convincing three of the tribes that wander the Seas of Grass to join him. Created as a safe haven for all of the tribes, Miced hoped that the Empire would be synonymous with peace and stability.
For the thirty years of his reign, the Empire was anything but. The tribes proved to be an intractable lot, and Miced spent as much of his time convincing them to stay as he did building his capitol.
For years the majority of the tribes opposed him; many felt that settling down was going against their heritage and defying the gods themselves. The elders of several major tribes condemned Miced and even began hindering his progress, sending small groups of men into the ranks of his followers to stir up dissent and enact minor sabotage.

After six years of hard work, Miced had finished the foundation work on his capitol. Built in the center of the Seas at the meeting point of the Golden Port Stream and the Giant’s Wash; the town was well supplied and in a superb position to extend both protection and war all across the countryside. He named his capitol after the green of peace and life; Verdura.
For another ten years Miced would fight off the tribes from the power base in Verdura, but with the help of improved trade and loyal followers, he eventually won over his opponents and began an era of peace and prosperity.
Fourteen years later Miced succumbed to old age and died peacefully in his sleep. Having lived for over sixty years, most agreed that the gods had indeed blessed Miced, even if only twenty years ago, few had been able to see it.

His eldest daughter, Tabeth, took up the reigns of leadership and became the first Nomad Queen. Tabeth had been schooled for seventeen years in the art of leading her fathers great Empire, and during the thirty-two years of her reign she proved her worth time and time again, expanding the Empires borders with a gifted mix of tactical intrigue and diplomacy. At the age of forty-nine, Tabeth stepped down in favour of her eldest son Sajet, who had come of age the previous year.
Sajet turned out to be as cunning as his mother, and as brilliant a leader as his grandfather, and over the next fourteen years Sajet expanded the Empire even further into the unknown. At the age of nineteen, Sajet crowned his achievements with the marriage to Sarael Ruo’khae, the second daughter of the Elven Lord Everil Ruo-khae and leader of his people in the Celestial Wilderness. With his marriage, Sajet cemented what had been friendly relationships for some years into a full-blown alliance and gained the friendship and support of the Elven people.

eight years ago, a taint of darkness spread throughout the Empire. Jocath; Sajet’s eldest son, was found to be involved in shady dealing and petty crime. Sajet attempted to discipline Jocath, but it came to naught, for less than a week later he was found to be the head of a group of thugs who had been terrorising a number of merchants in the poorer areas of Verdura. In despair, Sajet sent word to Everil in the hopes that the Elven Lord would have some advice. Everil replied that he would take Jocath into the depths of the Celestial Wilderness for four years and see if he could do anything with the youth. Overjoyed, Sajet and Sarael agreed.
Four years later, Jocath returned a changed man. Everil had taught him the secrets of the forest and the power of the natural world, as well as responsibility and honor. Jocath apologised publicly to his father and mother for his past conduct and vowed to prove himself a better leader than all who had gone before him.

A year later, Sajet died in his sleep. Jocath launched a massive investigation into the death of his father, but the results were inconclusive. Sajet had died of no natural cause, but no unnatural one could be found to blame either.
In her grief, Sarael all vanished from the Empire overnight, vanishing into the wilderness. Jocath was declared the Nomad King three days later and spent the next two weeks in mourning for his father.
Over the next two years, Jocath charmed the population with his wit and charisma and proved himself an able leader. For years the Lizardkin of the Ruby Wastes had challenged the Empire and no diplomatic solution had been reached. Jocath made one last attempt for a peaceful resolution to the conflict, but the attempt was a failure. Finally, with no other recourse, Jocath led the Empire to war upon the Lizardkin in a last ditch attempt to protect his people.

It is now almost a year since the war began in earnest. Sarael has not been seen since Sajet’s death and rumours abound as to what has become of her. Jocath leads the Empire’s armies at their head and it has become apparent that Everil taught him much about the arts of war.
In general, the population of the Empire is happy. Most people are charmed by Jocath’s charisma and wit and he is generally agreed to be a superb leader indeed. Some dissenting rumours have begun to spread over the last month about the odd silence from the Elven Lords and how few nonhuman citizens have remained within the Empire. Some radicals even suggest that Jocath has been leading a covert operation to remove all nonhumans from the Empire, but such rumours are shunned as ludicrous, given Jocath’s Half-Elf lineage.

Ruby Wastes
Home to many groups of Lizardkin, the Ruby Wastes are located upon the west edge of the Seas of Grass. The Wastes are impregnated with a surprisingly high content of iron ore within the dirt and sands that give this province a rusty red hue and the air itself a pinkish glow, hence the name.
Within the Wastes can be found many separate tribes of Kobolds, Lizardfolk, Dragonborn and even pureblood Dragons. Usually they remain in scattered groups and are in a state of almost perpetual war, but recently the Dragonborn Kordarr Rathbite has taken forceful command and has subjugated many of the Lizardkin under his banner.

His exact goals remain unclear, although it seems that the Empire stands in his way, captured Kobold and Lizardfolk prisoners sometimes speak of Kordarr’s plans to achieve divinity and join the ranks of the Gods themselves, but it seems likely such thoughts are rumours spread to make it seem that he is chosen of the Gods.
Whatever his plans, Kordarr commands the assistance of two young Red Dragons; Cinderspike and Wyrdheart. The two Dragons serve as Kordarr’s lieutenants and as shock troops, it also seems likely that they are the direct cause of the Emberguard, an elite group of Red Dragonborn who serve as Kordarr’s personal bodyguard.

So far Kordarr himself has not been seen, and indeed only minor contact has been made with forces who move under his banners. Most of the invading Empire forces have become tied up with the various minor Kobold tribes that were shunted to the edge of the Wastes by Kordarr’s expanding forces, and it seems likely that their aggression towards the Empire is because of this.

Book One – Dreams and Aspirations

Prologue – First Strike
The story kicks off with the players just about to leap into an assault on a Kobold camp along with a small group of NPC’s. The players have been fighting in the Nomad Army for the past year and have distinguished themselves in several minor skirmishes. Each has been chosen to be part of an elite group that has penetrated deep into the Packlands in the Torn Eye Flats. Under cover of darkness, they have snuck right up to the south-eastern walls of a Kobold owned palisade believed to be the home warrens of the Kobold Packlord Vizi Kring.

The players have been hired out as Mercenaries (or are actual recruits of the Army. Player choice in this matter.) And are under the command of Sergeant Thenus, and have a deadline to meet. If the Packlord isn't dead and the stockades breached in 4 days then things will get ugly.

From here on, the story is up to the players. What they do and how they do it will impact on what exactly happens.

August 2nd, 2008, 12:07
Pheonix, you should probably put some line breaks between paragraphs; that runs into each other so much its hard to read.

August 2nd, 2008, 22:32
I'll have to see what my fridays look like, but this looks pretty interesting. I'll keep an eye out for it and mull over a character.

August 3rd, 2008, 03:37
Pheonix, you should probably put some line breaks between paragraphs; that runs into each other so much its hard to read.

Well, I'd hoped you'd go and add in line breaks after that comment, but I suppose not. Anyway, it looks pretty good, and I'd be tempted to try it if I weren't already pretty tight on schedule, heh!

August 3rd, 2008, 06:21
I am intrested in playing a palidin of Kord, probrably human, unless you are kind and mercyful enough to allow a half-orc using the Orc PC stats (Mon. Man. Pg.278) *Gives a big puppy dog smile* You don't have to but I have to try.

Oh and where do I get the ruleset mod?

August 3rd, 2008, 12:24
There you go, i threw some line breaks in for you Morfedel.

Kun, if you want to be a half-orc i can probably take a leaf out of the Half-Elf book and combine the Human\Orc racials into a Half-Orc race. I'll admit, i havn't got any storyline in place for Orcs or Half-Orcs, so apart from the negative undercurrent plot hook you'd have alot of room to write background stuff.

You can get the ruleset from the Four Ugly Monsters forums. It updates frequently, so make sure you check it often.

August 3rd, 2008, 13:22
Much better! :)

Oh, and players dont need the rules set, just the GM. So if you don't want to bother getting the rules set, no worries, as long as the gm has it, yer set. :)

August 3rd, 2008, 13:34
They do need the ruleset if they want to make local characters though.

Also, here's a draft for the Half Orc race.

Shunned by civilised culture and nigh unstoppable when angered—a race of great and savage warriors.

Average Height: 5' 9"–6' 4"
Average Weight: 160–230 lbs.
Ability Scores: +2 Strength, +2 Constitution
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 squares
Vision: Low-light
Languages: Common, Giant
Skill Bonuses: +2 Intimidate
Orc Blood: You are considered an Orc for determining the effects of spells.
Berserker Charge: When you charge, add 2 to your speed and damage.
Increase to 4 damage at 11th level.
Increase to 6 damage at 21st level.
Great Fortitude: Add 1 to your Fortitude defence. You may also use the Unstoppable Force encounter power.

Unstoppable Force Half-Orc Racial Power
Your fortitude is ledgendary, your constitution knows no bounds. Nothing can hold you back from your goal.
Immediate Reaction Personal
Trigger: Your movement is impeded or halted.
Effect: You are immune to all movement slowing or interrupting effects until the end of your turn. You can break through or knock over any obstacles with a break DC less than your Strength or Constitution score, whichever is higher.

(Slow effects, Difficult Terrain, Movement Interrupts from Figher Opportunity Attacks etc. Anything which impedes or prevents you from moving to your chosen location. Obstacles (Walls, Doors etc) with a break DC of less than your Strength or Constitution score (whichever is higher) may be burst through. Holes, falls and other forms of pits cannot be negotiated with this power and will stop you. Attempting to use Unstoppable Force through an object you cannot break, or across terrain with no footholds will result in falling prone on the square before the wall, or falling into the hole.)

I suspect this may be slightly too powerful atm. Unstoppable Force does also need quite alot of clarification. Basically, if you could move normally across a square, but something stops you (Difficult Terrain, Slow Effects, any sort of movement interrupt.) You can choose to use Unstoppable Force to negate that effect for this move. You can use Unstoppable Force in any movement, that includes shifting and charging. Unstoppable Force moves still provoke Opportunity Attacks and any sort of slow or interrupt effect is applied as normal, it just doesn't actually do anything in the move you activate it.

To simplify, imagine The Juggernaut from X-Men, Unstoppable Force allows you to be The Juggernaut for 1 turn. The Juggernaut can't run across thin air, but he can bust through walls, push past people and push through 'difficult terrain' without any problems.

August 4th, 2008, 08:26
This looks fun. I would be willing to give it a try. When do you think your starting? I'm looking to play anything that looks fun so I'm just jumping on the first thing that comes along really.

August 4th, 2008, 08:39
I've got a game scheduled for this friday evening. That'll be for character creation and whatnot, and if we have enough time, we'll play.

August 4th, 2008, 09:23
well if you want me to join just shoot me a pm.

August 4th, 2008, 09:24
I've invited you into the campaign. I invited Kunsgnos as well.

August 4th, 2008, 09:27
so, will we be using any voice over ip? (voip)

oh thanks for the invite by the way.

August 4th, 2008, 13:29
Sent a PM with a few questions. Have another now: Due to the setting, does that mean that we'll primarily be playing Humans? I see that you'd accepted a half-Orc, and I'd assume Dragonborn would be out (do to the setting), but what about the other Races?

August 4th, 2008, 13:41
Celine asked a good question that i realise i didn't have in the post. Yes, i will be using VoIP of some description, either Ventrilo, Teamspeak or Skype, depending on which is most convenient for everyone.

And to clarify, the only race that's out is Warforged, as they play a significant part in the plot later on and it would cause issues to have a Warforged PC. Anything else, including Monster Manual races, are fine, and indeed there are race-specific plot hooks that will get you bonas XPs and loots.

August 5th, 2008, 06:58
My friend wrote this up when he found out half-orcs weren't PCs. Nothing paticular but the some flavor Text and names of some of the feats are hillarious. Funny how some things are the same and they were thought of independently. Some feats are to go more with the Half-orc/barbarian style. I don't want to use it, but I thought it was funny as hell


Ability: +2 Str, +2 Con
Size: medium
Speed: 6 squares
Vision: Low-light
Languages: Common, Giant
Skill Bonus: +2 Intimidate +2 Endurance
Careless Courage: Half-Orcs are overconfident to a fault getting a +5 will bonus in saves to resist Intimidation and there effects

Heroic Tier Racial Feats

Orcish Weapon Training [Half-Orc]
Prerequisite: Half-orc
Benefit: Your orc heritage values damage over protection, big weapons over shields. You gain proficiency and a +2 feat bonus to damage rolls with all two-handed weapons.

See that big green guy over there, he is with me [Half-Orc]
Prerequisite: Half-orc
Benefit: Your very presence makes people take your friends seriously. You grant all allies within 10 squares +2 to Intimidate

Paragon Tier Racial Feats

Good at smashing [Half-Orc]
Prerequisite: Half-orc, Power Attack
Benefit: With your orc upbringing you were taught to smash…a lot. So you picked up some skill at it. Your power attack has only a penalty of -1 and the damage is increased by +1 of the original

August 5th, 2008, 09:14
Heh, neat :P

Actually i don't have feats, and those give me some ideas :D

August 5th, 2008, 19:40
If you guys have room for 1 more I would like to join your group.

I have played 4th edition with a few friends for a couple of months now and I would like to see it played by people who are actually *Passionate* about D&D like I am. I prefer playing along with the story more than fighting and have had a sever lack of that while playing in my campaigns.

Shoot me an invite so I can join, if your willing to have 5

August 6th, 2008, 04:53
Ok, that puts me with 5, possibly 6 players. Excellent, looks like the gaem is good to go :D

August 7th, 2008, 12:50
Ok, turns out i actually have 4 peeps, so i could use 1 more. :D

August 7th, 2008, 17:07
I might have a friend who can use my extra account...
I put that as a major might..
will give call and edit this post later if he say aye or nay

And thanks for answering and having patience with my questions earlier. I am a bit nit picky when it comes to details

August 7th, 2008, 19:50
Hmm...It looks like it could be fun, though I'm not entirely sure from reading the intro if it's my cup of tea. I'll play the first session to see if I enjoy it. Count me in for tomorrow, and we'll play it from there.

August 8th, 2008, 04:09
All right! My character is built. He's a dragonborn rogue with a kind savage streak. I haven't written his history yet, but I imagine he'd be something a turncoat from Kodarr's army for one reason or another. He uses Katars with a Shuriken in the off-hand.


See ya in game!

August 9th, 2008, 00:28
The server is up on IP

I've got 2 peeps, 2 others couldn't make today but can make next week, and i havn't gotten any responses from the last 2, so i could use an extra person or three :P

August 9th, 2008, 04:10
It was fun.


August 10th, 2008, 15:02
I had fun too, but I'm afraid I will be unlikely to continue the campaign due to timing. If we kept doing it at the same time each week, I'd just end up coming halfway through each adventure. =/

August 10th, 2008, 19:54
Hmm...well I might be able to make the new time. I can't guarantee it, but I'll do my darndest to try.

August 16th, 2008, 10:53
Updating this thread. I've got 3 solid people who look to be able to show up to each weekly session, barring unforseen incidents, one of the people who turned up in the first session did not in the second, and i can't seem to contact him, and two of the others have not joined any session.

So i really need at least another person, preferably two, as it's getting quite difficult for the poor team, especially since they lost their NPC fighter and are now defenderless.

The link to the game is Here. (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/calendar/?id=283) We have a game set for 1:30AM (GMT +0) on Saturday the 23rd. This time is somewhat flexible.

Apply on the calandar, post in this thread or send me a PM if you are interested. We needs moar peoples!

August 16th, 2008, 16:02
So i really need at least another person, preferably two, as it's getting quite difficult for the poor team, especially since they lost their NPC fighter and are now defenderless.

*cough* Also, Clerics with 8 Str and very few melee abilities makes a poor tank. :o

August 16th, 2008, 19:40
From what I've seen, we currently have a wizard, a warlord, a cleric, and a rogue. We desperately need a defender.

August 19th, 2008, 07:29
Got another potential, hopefully that brings us up to 4 regulars. Could still do with one more person :D

August 20th, 2008, 21:27
I'd like to play, I have a list of assorted questions and statements...
1. What timezone is this on? I'm on Pacific
2. I will be playing a human cleric of Bahamut, if for some reason you disapprove, feel free to let me know.
3. What is the IP address for this?
4. I am new to D&D, if I make a few mistakes, please forgive me.

August 20th, 2008, 23:56
I'd like to play, I have a list of assorted questions and statements...
1. What timezone is this on? I'm on Pacific
I know at least one other PC other than me is on Eastern. It is 9:30pm for Eastern. Check out the link to the game and if your profile is set for your timezone you should see your local time to the right.

2. I will be playing a human cleric of Bahamut, if for some reason you disapprove, feel free to let me know.
Up to DM but I don't think it'd be a problem. My PC's a Cleric of Melora who has Zero-Zip-Nada Prayers which work with weapons (all Implement, or non-weapon like the Utility Powers and such). As a result, I do have healing/boosting attack type abilities with my PC, but you could easily make a more War oriented Cleric, or one that is better balanced than my pacifist gone to war for BG reasons. ;) (Also... I nearly died three times and another PC did at least twice [don't think our Dragonborn managed to get knocked down more than once?] so another Healer would not hurt and all Clerics start with Healing Word... :hurt: )

3. What is the IP address for this?
Um. It's also on the game page. Just check the first page of this thread for the link. Once I've connected to the game my laptop remembers the IP for me thankfully :o :D

4. I am new to D&D, if I make a few mistakes, please forgive me.
You're not the first who is new to the 4th ed rules. Might actually be a bit better if you're new overall. I find myself having to ask "Is suchandsuch this way in this edition?" instead of just asking if I got a rule right.

Either way: Welcome! And I hope you can join.

August 21st, 2008, 00:11
Thanks for the greeting, and sorry if my post came across as pompous or demanding, that was unintended.

Note to DM: I am perfectly content to reroll my dragonborn fighter if necessary

August 21st, 2008, 00:58
Nah, no problem. I'm here to answer questions, it's what the DM does, apparantly Celine does as well :P

Feel free to roll whatever character you want to play as. I won't force anyone to do anything they don't want to. Of course, it is strongly suggested that you run with a balanced party, as they makes life much easier, but it's not vital. With a bit more practice i should be able to adjust encounters to balance out the lack of a certain class type.

August 21st, 2008, 00:59
Thanks for the greeting, and sorry if my post came across as pompous or demanding, that was unintended.
I didn't find it came off that way at all. :confused:

As for your Fighter idea, that would work as well I think. Need Defenders:p

Basically anything might help this group out. Can't nearly die more times than last week (or at least we'd hope not :eek: )

August 21st, 2008, 02:20
Wait till you get into the dungeon. *evil laughter*

August 21st, 2008, 02:24
I'm going to have to beg you to roll a fighter. Last time, we had a rogue/cleric/wizard party and none of us were able to work to our full potential. I couldn't get combat advantage for the life of me, which rendered me 100% worthless in combat, our brave halfling cleric was our main tank, we kept running around in a frenzied panic, and I can't remember how many Death Saving Throws they ended up having to make in total. A STR/CON Paladin wouldn't be bad either if you really like Bahamut, but we really need someone in heavy armor.

August 21st, 2008, 04:56
Ok, well I'm going to roll a fighter, could you give me your email address so that I can send my character sheet to you?
By the way, my guy is level 1, I don't know what level this campaign is.

August 21st, 2008, 05:51
Party level is 2 atm.

August 21st, 2008, 16:42
...our brave halfling cleric was our main tank...
Note that in this case "brave" means "crazy" or maybe just plain "stupid" ;)

Nevertheless, can't wait for tomorrow night!

August 21st, 2008, 19:54
So, nobody would mind if I gave my guy level 2 stats?

August 21st, 2008, 20:36
As the guy who will be spending most of my time hiding behind your beefy meatshieldiness, no, I most certainly do not mind! :p

August 26th, 2008, 22:42
I wanna play too, I need a release from DMing, and 4pm PST is a good time for me on Fridays. Is there room for one more maybe?

August 27th, 2008, 04:17
Well i think we have six players atm, seven is probably doable if you really want, tho it will make combat take a bit longer.

August 27th, 2008, 07:40
Oh I looked at the calender and it looked like you had only 5, sorry I don't wanna crowd your game. I need to find a game to play in but they're all on mondays wednesdays and saturdays.

September 13th, 2008, 03:56
Ok, this is getting rediculous. Due to incredibly unreliable players it's becoming remarkably difficult to get a damn game going.

As such, i'm reviving this thread (again) and looking for reliable players. To further this, anyone who makes a comment to the effect of 'I will turn up on X' and does so is guaranteed a spot, and anyone who turns up to consecutive games is as well.

So yes, i need another one or two people, because apparantly half of my current players will say yes to a game time, but not actually show.

September 13th, 2008, 08:50
Oh, and the game time is 11:30am on Saturday Morning, timezone GMT+10, you'll have to translate that into your own time, but i believe it ends up as afternoon\evening for most Americans. The time does vary a little bit, depending on exactly who turns up when.

September 13th, 2008, 22:04
Oh, and the game time is 11:30am on Saturday Morning, timezone GMT+10, you'll have to translate that into your own time, but i believe it ends up as afternoon\evening for most Americans. The time does vary a little bit, depending on exactly who turns up when.

9:30 PM Eastern, if that helps anyone ;)

September 13th, 2008, 23:04
Sorry I've been a no show, getting some unexpected RL things in order.

September 13th, 2008, 23:07
Just to clarify, this is going to be 9:30 PM EST correct?

September 14th, 2008, 01:42
That's what Celene says.

September 14th, 2008, 04:33
If it is really 9:30PM EST on Fridays, and you still need someone, I will join you. The thread is too long for me too look through everything, though -- do you need a specific class or can I choose?


September 20th, 2008, 07:13
Well i seem to have 3 - 4 regulars. So we're still short at least 1, and preferably 2 people.

September 20th, 2008, 13:20
I am very interested in this game. I am reliable and mature.

9:30pm EST on Fridays works for me.

I am willing to play what the group needs as well.

Let me know and thanks in advance!

September 21st, 2008, 00:46
Welcome aboard Rondor.