View Full Version : Shadowfel Tuesdays

August 1st, 2008, 18:10
We currently have ONE OPENING

We are looking for tactically adept players for Keep of the Shadowfell 4th edition. I am running the adventure as a one-shot to get players familiar with rules and character options and will then maybe follow up and get a regular 4e group together if there is interest. The group uses FG2 (4th edition v1.01 ruleset) and Ventrillo.

The group conists of 5 or 6 players depending on player schedules. If interested please post your your character choice and I will send you a confirmation to your FG account.

Playstyle: I run tactically heavy games with less RP element. In character comments are usually made in chat. Extended conversations with NPCs are generally made more 3rd person style. As this is a one-shot it will be mostly a dungeon crawl but I will include some NPC/locale interaction as we try to get the flavor of the new setting and social skills. In my early thirties, as are a couple of the players, so expect a more mature gaming environment.

Time: 6:30 - 10:30 EST

Character Generation: Standard 22 Point Buy from the 4e PHB. We are now about 1/3 of the way through the adventure so all characters will start at 2nd level.

At present the group consists of the below. Selecting a character will lock your spot so do so at your earliest convenience.

Halfling Rogue
Human Cleric of Bahamut
Elf Ranger
Eladrin Warrior
Dwarf Wizard

August 11th, 2008, 17:49
still one opening

August 11th, 2008, 18:15
I will be willing to join if giving some more info :)

PM me please.