View Full Version : New 4e Campaign: The Gate to Carpathia (Looking for Players)

July 28th, 2008, 01:18
I am a newbie to FG and I am starting up my first campaign as a DM. I have a setting planned out, and I am looking for new players. I can do any weekday night except Wednesdays, so please post with what nights would work best and we can get this set up.

The plot is as follows:

Our heroes start their career in a small, peaceful kingdom with little evil around. Unfortunately, that causes a problem - with all the evil already eliminated, there is little market for adventurers' services. So they travel to Carpathia - a wondrous kingdom full of magic, monsters, and new things to see. But things are not always as they seem. Are the monsters really planning to invade, or is that information based on faulty intelligence? Does the global monster epidemic conceal an inconvenient truth? And what's the deal with those vendors who buy up those ridiculous items anyway? Come on, what are they planning to do with a stack of 50 kobold tails? Find the truth in the incredible adventure, "The Gate to Carpathia"!

(Note: All characters start at level 1.)

July 30th, 2008, 02:10
I have one player signed up via PM. Anyone else want to?

Note that I can schedule it for Monday, Tuesday, or Friday nights depending on when people want to play.

July 30th, 2008, 07:46
I like the sound of the campaign, sounds like a lot of fun. If you can make the game on Monday nights that would be great for me. I am in Arizona, so Mountain or pacific time zone works best for me after 6:00 PM

New to FG myself, but I am really enjoying it thus far. and I have been getting my head around the new rules of 4E,

July 31st, 2008, 03:44
Okay, we've got three people signed up so far:

Joe Marflak (via email)

Character Creation Information:

Standard 4e character creation, 22 point buy, characters start at 1st level, no race or class restrictions.

Setting Information:

This is a homebrew setting.

Characters will start in Altaria, a small kingdom which, until recently, was full of turmoil. Different factions fought each other, and criminals and monsters ran rampant, providing plenty of action for adventurers and mercenaries. However, recently, things have become much more peaceful in just a few years, and nobody really knows why. This has resulted in adventurers being out of work, and an economic downturn as industries that supply adventurers also suffer.

However, the PCs will quickly travel to Carpathia, a much larger kingdom with large cities and also an adventuring-based economy. Carpathia has many of the institutions you would expect to find in a modern world, such as colleges, sports arenas, mega-stores, power plants etc. - except all changed to work in the D+D world (for example, power plants produce magical energy instead of electricity). The large supply of adventurers and associated equipment mean that Carpathia rarely experiences major threats ... but nobody really knows where all those monsters keep coming from.

July 31st, 2008, 04:29
Hey guys,

I'd be interested in playing any of the following.

Eladrin Warlock
Half-Elf Paladin
Wizard of some race or another (maybe teifling)

Oh and, this is Joe fyi.

Also my preffered method of voice com. is ventrilo but I'm flexable.

Edit: Alright the proposition of playing a 4e game got me sort of excited, so I decided to roll the warlock. I think I would like to play it unless someone else absolutely has to play a warlock. :)

I havent started on a background yet but I do have sort of a class concept that I think should be interesting. Think stealthy, trap finding, step out of the shadows and blast the crap out of everyone.. and yet a rather plesant dinner guest.

July 31st, 2008, 15:17
I'd be interested in joining a game. I've just gotten FGII yesterday, and I am new to D&D, so I'm a double newbie, but I'd like to try my hand at this. I should be able to do Monday nights, after 9pm EST (6pm PST), I'd like to try a Paladin or a Cleric/Fighter multiclass. I am out of town until August 12th, but there is a small chance I could still play that night.

July 31st, 2008, 23:05
Okay. We now have 4 people signed up.

It looks like the best time for everyone is Mondays at 9:00 PM EST. Is this okay with everyone?

August 1st, 2008, 00:04
Works for me. Is FG 2 much different from 1? I have FG1 and I'm wondering if the learning curve is such that I should spend a significant amount of time messing with it before we start.

August 1st, 2008, 00:53
I have never used FG1, so I don't know about that.

August 1st, 2008, 01:33
... Hello ...

August 1st, 2008, 06:42
Glad to see the group forming up. Monday at 9:00 EST sounds great!

I don't have any voicechat software atm is there one I should look into picking up?

August 1st, 2008, 16:55
If you guys have room for another newbie, I'd love to play! I'm new to both FG and 4ed but I'm a fairly quick learner. I'd like to play a warlock or ranger, but anything other than a cleric is fine by me.

August 1st, 2008, 23:24
Current Roster:

Atras - Paladin or Cleric/Fighter
Rictor - Warlock
Challen - Warlock or Ranger
NarrowUser - ?
Derga - ?

Logistical Information

The first regular play session will be on Monday, August 11 at 9:00 PM EST and will be every Monday at the same time thereafter. However, I will also be running a preliminary session on Monday, August 4 at 9:00 PM EST. It is not mandatory that you participate the preliminary session, but it is recommended if you have any questions about the game. During this session we can create characters, I can answer any questions about the game you may have, and if possible we can run a "sample combat" to give new players an introduction to the combat mechanics. (This is for my benefit as much as for everyone else's because I haven't DMed using FG before so I'm new to the software.)

We are going to be using Skype VOIP software. My Skype username is amont319. FG server information will be posted as soon as I get it set up.

August 2nd, 2008, 00:12
I would be interested in playing:

Dragonborn Warlord or;
Human Rouge

Whichever is most needed to fill out the group. I have historically played straight fighter classes, but the striker seems like a fun change of pace.

Additionally I like the support concept inherent in the warlord class so that could be fun, and while at first I was totally uninterested in dragonkin races, after reading their background information, they seem like a lot of fun potentially.

I will try to get skype set up in the meantime, and should have no trouble making it to the intro game on the 4th. I myself have not yet used FG2 for a game so this introductory session will be a HUGE help for me. I have been building modjules and characters in the 4.0 ruleset though so ahve a base familiarity with the software

Thanks looking forward to the game!

August 2nd, 2008, 02:13
I've got skype set up. My username is JoeMarflak just because Rictor was taken. I'll be purchasing an FG liscense tonight as well.

Russell Schroeder
August 3rd, 2008, 04:49

I would like to have at this. I just picked up Fantasy Grounds 2 and can generate a fighter/defender/striker - you know, good cahracter for newby type player.

I need to know how to get into your game though.


August 3rd, 2008, 13:40
If you still have room, I would be very interested in playing a wizard, a cleric (without a cleric 4e parties get into a lot of trouble very fast, though a warlord can partially handle the load) or a warlock depending on what the party needs. I have experience both with FGII in a 4e campaign and with VoiP software in conjunction with FGII.

I've used all three and you might find it easier to have a second person host a Ventrillo server (not the same person as the FG host/DM) because uploads are slower than downloads on 99% of broadband connections. Team speak also works very simply you just need to find an available server and make a room. I know where there is one already.

Concerns to watch out for: too many players on VoiP gets confusing and choppy. Too many players in FG makes the game seem to lag as players don't always pay attention to what the others are doing.

The players on this site seem to be very flaky" at times with regard to committing to a regular time and actually showing up regularly. Ask questions before you start about time issues and staying power. Constant player turnover makes a game seem very choppy and disjointed.

August 3rd, 2008, 15:38
Current Roster:

Atras - Paladin or Cleric/Fighter
Rictor - Warlock
Challen - Warlock or Ranger
NarrowUser - ?
Derga - Rogue/Warlord
Russell Schroeder - Fighter/Defender/Striker
azbo - Wizard/Cleric/Warlord

Logistical Update:

As I said, we will be using Skype VOIP software. Is that okay with everyone or does anyone specifically want to use something else?

We have a total of 7 people signed up now. The number I was planning for was 5-6, and I'm also looking for people who are reliable and can show up each week. If you don't think you can show up every week, please say so, and I might decide to put you as a "backup" in case someone leaves. You can also log on for the preliminary session tomorrow and we can talk then.

Server information will be coming up tonight. See you tomorrow!

August 3rd, 2008, 17:41
If you start the server early people can input their pc's prior to game time so we might actually get something accomplished though we'll probably spend a lot of time working out bugs in VoiP and such.

Does the DM understand the port forwarding issue?

August 3rd, 2008, 22:44
I do understand the port forwarding issue. Server is now up. If you can't connect, please let me know ASAP. (If you want to connect you can now, although I won't be available to help with character creation until the actual preliminary session.)

Alias: quiet monk loud fang

August 4th, 2008, 00:01
Alias: quiet monk loud fang I can't connect to that alias :cry: ... do clients need a port opened?

August 4th, 2008, 01:41
I'm sorry - I'm playing in another game at the moment and I can't get it to work running a server and a client at the same time, but it should be back up within a few hours. I'll post here when it's back up.

August 4th, 2008, 02:28
Atras I just put up a server till Alex gets his back up, if you just want to make sure your stuff is set up correctly. If you cant connect let me know. I think I have my ports forwarded correctly but I'm not positive.

just thug puny echo

August 4th, 2008, 02:36
Atras I just put up a server till Alex gets his back up, if you just want to make sure your stuff is set up correctly. If you cant connect let me know. I think I have my ports forwarded correctly but I'm not positive.

just thug puny echo
No luck there either. Seems likely that it is something on my end if I'm running 0/2.

August 4th, 2008, 02:43
I dont know, my port forwarding may be done incorrectly, I've always been a bit fuzzy on that. I'll double check real quick.

Edit: Made some changes and reset the server.

Edit2: Made one more change. Reset again.

August 4th, 2008, 04:29
I dont know, my port forwarding may be done incorrectly, I've always been a bit fuzzy on that. I'll double check real quick.

Edit: Made some changes and reset the server.

Edit2: Made one more change. Reset again.
I don't know... still can't connect.:confused:

August 4th, 2008, 05:04
Well, I guess we'll have to wait for alex then :)

August 4th, 2008, 05:53
The server is up now. I'll keep it up from now all the way through the August 4 session.

By the way, the whole "port forwarding" issue applies only to the server (me). All other players don't have to worry about it.

August 4th, 2008, 05:57
Is it up with the same alias? I still can't connect. Are you available on Skype?

August 4th, 2008, 06:11
I just tried to connect as well and could not get it to connect either.

August 4th, 2008, 13:42
I figured out what was wrong. I forgot to click the "Enable button in the part forwarding list.

Server up again

Alias: ugly ogre cold pony

August 4th, 2008, 15:48
Still not able to connect here:

by chance do you have any type of firewall enabled? I have found you have to turn all of the firewalls off in order to get connections to work

August 4th, 2008, 16:15
Also not able to connect, I can rule out any client side problems as I am able to connect to other servers. Just as a heads up, I haven't decided on class yet, but I play a leader in another campaign so I won't be playing that role here. Maybe a wizard or warlock, I have yet to decide :/

August 4th, 2008, 17:51
I figured out what was wrong. I forgot to click the "Enable button in the part forwarding list.

Server up again

Alias: ugly ogre cold pony
That worked! Thanks!:D

August 4th, 2008, 18:25
is the server still up? I couldn't connect.

Do we have classes picked out? I was leaning towards wizard but narrow appears to be interested in that. Probably help us balance things if we solidified our picks. This is what we have so far. I underlined some classes that might help diversify the party.

Atras - Paladin or Cleric/Fighter
Rictor - Warlock
Challen - Warlock or Ranger
NarrowUser - Wizard/Warlock
Derga - Rogue/Warlord
Russell Schroeder - Fighter/Defender/Striker
azbo - Wizard/Cleric/Warlord

I still would like to play the wizard because I haven't played one in 4e yet but if narrow really wants it I'll play a cleric. The party is going to be light in frontline types from what I can see and it onlty takes one encounter with skeleton's combat marking on your wizard/warlock/cleric to realize how valuable combat challenge frontline troops are to the team.

I wouldn't worry too much about the groups numbers I've yet to see a group from this website that had everyone show up 3 weeks in a row.

August 4th, 2008, 18:32
I am still having login issues as well.

Looked for alternate servers to try, to see if it was my setup that is the problem, but cannot find any that seem to be up ATM.

As far as the need for defenders, I would be happy to play a dragonborn fighter in lieu of the rouge or warlord if necessary. I have yet to play a 4E game so they are all new and different to me.

Hope I can resolve this login problem, I really want to play!!!!

August 4th, 2008, 18:46
almost certainly the issue is on the dm's end with the port forwarding.

what time is the game tonight? 6pm EST?

August 4th, 2008, 18:53
almost certainly the issue is on the dm's end with the port forwarding.

what time is the game tonight? 6pm EST?
I am able to connect now, so I think the server is up to date. Check the alias he gave out, it is different now.

I think we are going to try to get some things set up tonight around 9pm EST (6pm PST), like characters and tools.

August 4th, 2008, 19:12
Yeah I'm able to get on aswell. Just jumped on to enter my name on the char sheet. I'll be on at 6 to make the actual character.

August 4th, 2008, 19:44

was able to log on no problem now:)

see everyone tonight!

August 4th, 2008, 23:09
Session starting at 9:00 PM EST. See you in a few hours!

August 4th, 2008, 23:31
Hope you dont mind that I'm already in messing w/character creation :)

August 4th, 2008, 23:39
Hope you dont mind that I'm already in messing w/character creation :)I'll second that, I think I have my Cleric/Fighter "Atras" all set and ready to roll. Maybe I should change his name... "Altruast" sounds good.

August 4th, 2008, 23:58
Rahlis, the warlock w/a touch of ranger and a hint of rogue is more or less good to go.

Russell Schroeder
August 5th, 2008, 03:13
Session starting at 9:00 PM EST. See you in a few hours!

I just got the correct host name and am trying to get into game now. I will create a fighter. Don't have skype yet will get by next week if okay.


Russell Schroeder
August 5th, 2008, 04:09
My skype name is russell.e.schroeder

Probably best if I work on my new character tommorrow. The download to recieve all host info is huge and is taking very long.


August 10th, 2008, 06:41
Room for any more? I'm a newbie too. I have 4E ruleset installed.

August 11th, 2008, 18:34
Room for any more? I'm a newbie too. I have 4E ruleset installed.

You can log on tonight and we'll see how many we get.

SERVER UP: Alias is just hook tiny quill

August 11th, 2008, 19:28
the server is up but the characters are missing

August 11th, 2008, 19:47
The characters are not missing. Azbo just logged in with the wrong username. It's fixed now.

August 11th, 2008, 23:36
NM, I'm good to go.

August 13th, 2008, 04:59
You can log on tonight and we'll see how many we get.

SERVER UP: Alias is just hook tiny quill
Sorry Alex, I missed you post.
I'm working nights this week anyway.
I'm going out of town this weekend.
If you still need someone next wednesday, i'll still be around.

August 14th, 2008, 04:21
It's not on Wednesdays, it's on Mondays.

August 19th, 2008, 00:25
This game is open again for new players. Alias is just hook tiny quill as before. Server is up and game starting at 9:00 PM EST tonight.

August 31st, 2008, 22:21
To all fellow members, Due to a rather inconvenient set of RL interruptions, I will be unable to attend tonight's game, I shall do as much as possible to attend the game later and hopefully make up for the XP i missed

With all due respect,