View Full Version : Tokens on images & client side handlers

July 26th, 2008, 20:08
I have a really complex question, but I'll break it down to the simplest part for now and ask this:

Is it possible to allow client-side handling of things around non-modifiable tokens on an image?

2 examples to illustrate what I'm getting at...

First: the token drag stack on an image seems to be a last in, first out stack, meaning if you drag a number of tokens onto the same location, when you drag from that location, you will pick up the LOWEST level token. If you are on a client machine, and that lowest level token is set as non-modifiable, you cannot interact with the stack at all, instead of the functionality you would expect, where you would fall through to the first modifiable token. However, I think actually if there is a non-modifiable token ANYWHERE under the mouse cursor, clients are disallowed from having any handlers occur, which is even worse.

Second: as mentioned, if the mouse cursor is over a non-modifiable token, ALL interactivity with the image seems to be disabled. meaning I can't drag from that location (though I CAN drop to it, which causes lots of issues for my players), hover-over stops working, and drops over that area are not handled by the image.

If I set the token to modifiable, all of this works fine.

However, I don't really want to give the players free access to those tokens, I just don't want them blocking drops and modifiable-token functionality.. any way to accomplish this?

I had thought to possibly set the modifiable property on tokens in an image to true if I was dragging over the image, but since that property can only be set by the server, that isn't possible, unless I set up some kind of whisper comms to inform the host of these events in the background, but that seems pretty prone to errors, and possibly bad for network usage.

So any other ideas? Am I missing something obvious? I know I can lock the token container, which is my current hack fix for now, which at least makes it impossible for them to delete and move tokens without my knowing, but.. not ideal.

September 27th, 2008, 21:03
A question on extensions. Is this the kind of functionality we can add with an extension or is this behavior hard-coded into FG2.2?

September 27th, 2008, 21:41
There were no changes to token handling according to the change list on 2.2.0. My understanding is the token manipulation is extremely limited they way things are now. Until this changes, there isn't anything you can really add. Extensions just allow you modulize parts of rulesets. If you can't do something right now with a ruleset, then you won't be able anything different with an extension.