View Full Version : Doctor Who Campaign

July 25th, 2008, 03:51
I am running a savage worlds doctor who campaign. Please let me know if you are interested. Looking for 4-6 players and regular attendance is a must, but I am willing to work around people schedules. Less you know about Doctor who the better.

As far as getting ready for a character I ask people to make a person not a character. Think making a character for a book not something you slap on a character sheet. This has to be a living breathing person. The first step to playing in any of my games is submitting a character concept. From there its up to you.

All you need is FG 2 and I will supply the rest!

If interested email, pm, post here, or IM me. Or sign up at

August 9th, 2008, 01:50
Ok we are still looking for players. First game went well, I kicked out allot of the players that signed up and then never showed. So if your a WHO fan come on down!

BTW if your not planning on showing up/not a dependable player don't bother.

We play every Friday @ 5 PM. PST.

August 17th, 2008, 04:40
bump bump bump

August 24th, 2008, 00:05
Bump we are still looking for players!!! Calling all Doctor Who FANS!!!

September 7th, 2008, 06:07
BUMP!!!!! Still looking for players!!! PLEASE!!!

September 7th, 2008, 13:01
What time do you play?

September 7th, 2008, 18:00
Fridays @ 5 PM PST

September 8th, 2008, 03:48
Pity, i've got a game then already :\

September 9th, 2008, 16:02
Damn ! I'm a huge Doctor Who fan and would love to participate but just not enough time, I'm already in too many games and my 4 and 6 year olds pretty much make certain (in no uncertain terms) that I'm not allowed to spend too much time on the PC :p ....

So it's a "d20" version of Doctor Who? Interesting ! :) .. or does it use another system?

Just a thought ... if you google "doctor who" or "doctor who rpg" you'll probably come up with a variety of doctor who websites - maybe post something on there to see if you can attract players ? ;)

It's a great TV show isn't it? I was pleasantly surprised by just how entertainng the latest version of Doctor Who is (with the 9th and 10th doctors) on BBC, excellent stuff ! And a very pleasant flashback to the old days too for all us fans of the Doctor from his 1st, 2nd, 3rd et cet incarnations ;) ..

September 9th, 2008, 19:52
We are actually using the savage worlds system for the game. Its based off of the old FASA and Time Lord system and it uses a conversion table that I made up.

But I completely understand about the kids thing, as it is I really only have time to run one game and thats it because of my work and my kids.

We have already been posting on Doctor Who sites. I have gotten a couple emails back and one or two PMs about the game but nobody has actually signed up for the game yet.

At this point this is kinda my last ditch effort to run the game. If I dont get new players soon I am going to have to cancel the game and try and move on to something else.

September 12th, 2008, 15:25
What a shame ! :( And yes I need to learn how to actually read :p , it says right up there you're using a savage worlds system .. If I only had regular babysitters (sighs)... lol.. no family living close by to us so we're all on our own here ..

You're not planning on leaving FG anytime soon right? I'm going to send you a PM on here just in case ;) ..