View Full Version : 1-Shot Against the Orcs or Zombie Run 7/26 SWEX

July 22nd, 2008, 03:13
I posted this over at SWO but seeing how their forums generate little traffic I thought I would post here for anyone interested in seeing how the SWEX ruleset works. Since I need to learn the ruleset what a better way to learn then by GM'ing. This is open to anyone new to FG2, Savage Worlds, or anyone looking to have fun! I'll update both posts if we get players. Right now I'm not looking to turn this into a campaign but if enough interest and cool people I'd be willing to give it a thought.

If anyone is interested in seeing how the SWEX rulesset works I'm willing to GM a 1-shot with either the Zombie Run or Against the Orcs settings/modules. Don't know about the Low Life game I posted on 7/10 and haven't heard back.

I would like to see how easy it is to GM with this ruleset and I'm sure others are interested in seeing how it plays. Let's get at least 3 players! Post what time you can make it Saturday, let's say this takes about 2-3 hours whatever we get done, or if the group wants to, we can run longer.

We will schedule a time to run once we get a party of 4 or more characters. It will either be Sat, Sun, or Mon and Tu-Fri after 7PM Pacific.

Maybe if we get a good enough group and we all like it I wouldn't mind spinning several settings using SW, I'm eager to try Deadlands, Shaintar, or some d20 Modern like setting but it will be bi-weekly.

Please post or PM me your interest! Thanks.

Standard disclaimers, and some post on how I run games that way you'll know if you like my style or need to pass without having to see how my games go: DM House Rules and style (https://totalgeek.rpggroups.com/?page_id=5) and what type of players will like my campaigns/style (https://totalgeek.rpggroups.com/?page_id=6)

If you are good with the SWEX ruleset please join I don't mind someone correcting me, as it will only make my learning faster and me a better GM for the SWEX ruleset. I'm also going to try and garner interest over at the FG forums. If you are easy going, like to have fun, patient, and willing to have a good time, or you know anyone like that, please reply or let them know about this post.

Thank you all for your time!

SLOTS ONCE WE GET 3 I'll run the game
1. Filled (don't know if he wants me to use his nic)
4. Available
5. Available
6. Available

When you PM or post please say which setting you want to run 'Against the Orcs' (fantasy) or Zombie Run (Modern/Horror/Fun).

July 22nd, 2008, 03:20
I vote Deadlands! lol...

I'm interested in checking out SW as well.

July 22nd, 2008, 13:18
Hey, wargamer! Nice to see you again. I'm really interested in Deadlands: RL. It really depends, if I start a campaign using SW. I already have the Wednesday 4E campaign that I really like. I just want to see how the system works, you're welcome to join. I don't know if I can committ to another campaign without this one being bi-weekly as I don't want the other one to suffer.

I would like to see how the ruleset works. And see what kind of interest there is for SWEX as I bought the explorer's edition, however, I doesn't seem to have much interest. I don't know why as I think the SW ruleset for FG2 is nicely done.

July 22nd, 2008, 16:22
"I don't know why as I think the SW ruleset for FG2 is nicely done. "

Having been in this community for a while I can tell you that interest in SW appeared to swell around the time they released SWEX. Also, that period was a limbo for D&D in that the end of official support for 3.5 (whatever official support means, its not like you books are going to blue screen) was near with 4.0 not yet released. I seemed to notice the interest level dropping slightly after D&D 4.0 games started to appear, although there is still a steady base on interest. Anyway, I'm sure you'll find some players soon. I cannot play this weekend as I am going camping.


July 23rd, 2008, 02:43
Hey Long Arms! This is the person that I really want to learn the SWEX ruleset better. This guy runs a great game and is so fast DM'ing SWEX.

Yeah I figure it would be one of the most popular rulesets just because of its seemless integration. Oh well. I wish you could've made it you could've given me some pointers.

If anyone else wants to join post up we have 1 person interested so far. I'll update first post.

July 28th, 2008, 04:07
We have 3 people interested so far right now will run with at least 1 more. Looks like it will be 'Against the Orcs'. I will provide a pre-gen, and I removed the Ventrilo requirement. If you are interested in trying a great ruleset sign up in the calendar or PM me.

Want to try so I can run a Deadlands: Reloaded campaign really excited about that setting.