View Full Version : Question regarding token underlays

July 21st, 2008, 05:56
Hello everyone,

I'm thinking through the creation of a new ruleset and have a question regarding something i want to achieve with token underlays. I see that the addUnderlay variable shades an area around a token based on the map's grid size. For my ruleset, i would like to use maps that do not have grids, and i would like to use the token underlay(s) as movement range and attack range templates. Is there a way to 1. get the shaded area from the underlay to be circular, and 2. be based on a size fixed by the map or token dimensions?

Please bear in mind that i don't have experience yet with xml or lua. In other words, i wouldn't be able to follow a detailed technical answer. At this point, i'm not looking for a "here's how to do it in code" type answer so much as "yes that should be really easy/really difficult."

Alternately, but less ideally, the move/range templates could be achieved with a circular template token that snaps to the center point of a "unit" (player piece) token.
