View Full Version : Kobold Keep 4E on Monday 7/11/08 AM

July 12th, 2008, 04:48
**Moved to Wed night due to technical issues with downloading ruleset from my server, and players (more then likely due to technical issues)**

We have 5 people already signed up.

Just realised I had the date all messed up ugh :(

Looking to do a 1-shot, maybe 2-shot :), of 'Kobold Keep' in the back of the 4E DMG. I need practice using FG2. Looking for 4-6 roll your own level 1 or all the pre-mades will be on server from Shadowfell campaign. First come first serve. If there is enough interest I will hold another session Wed. night around 6 PM Pacific (GMT-7)

Need FG2 will use latest JPG ruleset, and Ventrilo is a must. Send me a PM and Monday morning I will send server info for FG2 and VOIP (Ventrilo). Please read a little about my DM style and what type of players would enjoy my game, just so you know if you will like the game:

DM Style (https://totalgeek.rpggroups.com/?page_id=5)
Who will enjoy my type of DM'ing (https://totalgeek.rpggroups.com/?page_id=6)

The game will start 3:00PM Pacific, but server will open 2:00PM PST (currently GMT-7) .

Just looking to make some friends and have some fun! This may grow into a campaign with other adventures (mostly hack/slash, bi-weekly events, time to time weekly but I like to make my own maps). But for now no commitment :) Play and you're done. I have another DM lined up so we can have alternating adventures a run a variety of settings/rulesets (d20 Modern Urban Arcana, Deadlands: Reloaded, DnD 4E, Pathfinder, yes we're geeks, and enjoy it :) )

New to 4E or FG2? Then you are more then welcome to join. Interested send PM! Thanks. Just please be patient ;) Wow filling fast.. like I said enough interest and I will hold a game 6:30 PM Pacific on Wednesday.

Party Slots
1. Filled (Warlock)
2. Filled (Cleric)
3. Filled (Ranger)
4. Filled (Fighter)
5. Filled (?)
6. Available - Standby

Opened up another slot because someone may not be able to show.

July 14th, 2008, 16:31
Anyone else interested in playing today? I just noticed I had the date all messed up but its today. We may have the cleric dropping out so anyone willing to play the leader role would be appreciated.

If we do continue onto a campaign setting it will be either Friday night, Sat, Sun morning or evening, or Monday. Hope to have all maps created through Dundjinni by next weekend for H1 and just got H2.

July 15th, 2008, 14:48
Moved to Wednesday due technical issues and players, more then likely because of not being able to download ruleset from server. So far have 5 people willing to take 1 more because of people not showing up. If we have to run with 6 then we'll run with 6.

Just send me a PM if interested first come first serve. Only room for 1 more.

July 17th, 2008, 17:00
I just wanted to say that 6 people showed up for this "playtest", for me to learn how to DM with FG2, apply what I know about 4E, and the event turned out GREAT!

It was a pleasure playing with you all! What a fun bunch of people, and even though my DM skills still need work for 4E, you guys were patient and helpful.

Some people asked if we can turn this into a campaign, if you don't mind my DM skills, then I'm all for it.

Just please send me a PM and what character you played so I can see who is in, then we, as a group, can discuss time and date.